Franciscos new messenger June 2023 has arrived Carinthian Catholic Church

Francisco’s new messenger June 2023 has arrived! Carinthian Catholic Church

Cover Francis Messenger: Christine Walder
Cover Francis Messenger: Christine Walder

Dear brothers and sisters of the SFO, dear friends of St. Francis!

In this issue, I would like to present to you the entire book by Father Gottfried Egger OFM/Franciscan Monastery Brixen, just off the press. It is dedicated to Brother Leo, secretary, confessor and highly trusted confrere of St. Francis. It deepens the knowledge of that brother who, like no other, dedicated himself to St. close to Francisco. Little was known about Brother Leo’s life.

The EOS-Verlag book was created in a particularly mystical place for us members of the Franciscan family: the mountain and monastery of La Verna. Father Gottfried spent 16 months there in the Franciscan Eremo and in this book we can share his inspiration. It is not surprising, therefore, that the events on Mount La Verna, which marked the lives of St. Francis and that of Brother Leo were so formative, also occupy some space in the book.

Who was Brother Leo?

Caption (Image rights must be declared!)
Photo book cover: Christine Walder

Only fragments survive about his life. Frei Leão came from Assis and was born around 1273/74. Nothing is known about his family. According to tradition, he died on November 15, 1271 in Porziuncula / S. Maria degli Angeli. His tomb is next to that of St. Francisco in San Francesco, where the brothers Bernardo, Silvestro and Masseo also rest.

But we do not know his family name, nor when he gave St. Francisco met for the first time. It may have been before his conversion. Leo may have joined the growing community of Friars Minor shortly after the Rule’s oral approval, i.e. after April 1209.

Brother Leo was already a priest at that time.

his being

As little as we know about his origins, there are so many statements about his character and his special way of being a confrere of San Francisco. be Francis. How lucky! Father Gottfried cites several sources which say that Brother Leo was the simplest and purest of companions, had the heart of a child, and was the most humble and gentle disciple of St. Louis. been Francis. When describing the “ideal Friar Minor”, ​​Francisco himself says of Brother Leão that he is a model of simplicity and purity.

Brother Leo was active and contemplative in equal measure. Father Gottfried writes: “Francis loved him in a unique way because of his “deaf simplicity” and often called him “the little lamb of God”. For this reason, once, when he explained to others the merits of the Companions, he said: “He who has the purity and simplicity of Brother Leo should be a good younger brother”.

your knowledge

Friar Leão was a cultured priest, an excellent secretary and a great calligrapher. We see his handwriting on all the documents and other writings he wrote for St. Francis wrote. We also see his art in the Breviary of the Saint, where he inserted notes of great historical value. It was not by chance that Francisco chose him to be his personal secretary.


Also, no one knew St. Francisco better than Brother Leo. He knew about her mental strength, her failing health, and through their mutual intimacy, he gained insights into her personality like no other brother.

Already in the year 1213 comes the letter of St. Francis to the young brother Leo, in whom this intimacy is evident. Friar Leo is afflicted, and the Saint offers his help: “And if it is necessary for you to come to me for your soul or for any other comfort, and if you want to come to me, Leo, come.” be prettier, simpler or warmer! Throughout his life, Francisco offered Brother Leo this help, this welcome in freedom and this opportunity to develop in close proximity to him. Likewise, every superior of a religious order must offer space for the development of his/her brothers/sisters.


In one chapter, Father Gottfried Egger takes us with him into stories in which Brother Leo lives next door to St. Francis is important in terms of content. So it is in “On Purity of Heart”, “Perfect Joy” and “Sister Klara’s Face in Water from the Well”.

the common way

I do not want to anticipate the content of the main part of the book, which portrays the stages in the life of Francisco and León. They are very beautiful and deep to summarize briefly. Can we St. Francis and Friar Leo accompany the brothers as they take possession of Monte La Verna and take up residence there. We are allowed to travel with both of them to the Rieti Valley, to write the rule in the Columbus Fountain. Let’s go with them to the Christmas party in Greccio 1223.

1224 Leo moves in with St. Francis for the last time at Alvernaberg. Wonderful visuals make everything clear to us. Profound texts of the “Reflections on the Stigmas” from Franciscan sources lead us – skillfully and sensitively explained by Fr. Gottfried-to the mysterious events, to the saint’s ecstasy and finally to his stigmatization (the first in the history of Christianity), which Brother Leo witnessed. This had a profound impact on the saint’s later years and also on Brother Leo. The spiritual transformation is particularly evident in the moving story of the origin of the incomparable “Praise to God”, which can be called the great prayer of the Franciscans.

final thought

I would like to recommend this incomparably precious book to you. It belongs on the shelf of every member of the Franciscan Family and every person who celebrates St. Francis wants to learn to love more, as Father Gottfried writes. Brother Leo lived several decades longer than St. Francis. We can accompany you in the final part of the book. He continued his spiritual experiment, to the joy and benefit of all of us!

Have a blessed month of June to all of you, your Sr. Klara / Christine Walder
