Francois Xavier Bellamy the man who dares to challenge Scholz

François Xavier Bellamy: the man who dares to challenge Scholz (and Macron) Boulevard Voltaire

In this crazy new week, when Macronie has outdone itself in what Gabrielle Cluzel rightly calls her “theatre of the absurd”, and when we vacillate between despair and anger in the face of such a stormy onslaught, there is a small moment of grace tipped the scales of his nose, on Twitter: the intervention of François-Xavier Bellamy, in the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, before German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The sequence was hardly picked up by the French media: a new proof of their blindness and prejudice? However, it has been viewed more than one million three hundred thousand times on Twitter and picked up by several German JTs. And there was only Eliot Deval, returning on CNews Friday night on a historic speech that sadly stayed under the media radar.

On May 9th – Europe Day – the leader of the LR deputy in Strasbourg actually questioned Olaf Scholz about Germany’s role in the crises we are going through. Without any backlash, in a speech based on a rational analysis of the realities, he denounced the German duplicity on the great issues of the time. On the economy, with the imposition of austerity measures on partners and a massive support plan for the German economy; in foreign policy, where he negotiates with China to protect German interests; to the energy policy that discarded nuclear power in order to restart coal mines; and finally to immigration. Bellamy concluded his presentation with a quote from Hannah Arendt: “A crisis only becomes a catastrophe if we react to it with ready-made ideas.” »

But François-Xavier Bellamy’s courage is not limited to this criticism of Germany. Because this German duplicity goes hand in hand with Emmanuel Macron and his troops’ own duplicity between their national and European positions. Especially on the subject of immigration, as Marc Baudriller shows.

With his unexpected proposal for a moratorium on ecological standards, Macron has recently provided further evidence of this duplicity, which Bellamy has also denounced.

That the sounds of the pans and Darmanin’s gestures were far away, on this May 9th in Strasbourg! It seemed to be a different era of politics. I’m not sure if that’s the one waiting for us. But in any case, the voice of François-Xavier Bellamy will be more necessary than ever in the gathering storms. For six years, Macronism has systematically infuriated and despaired the French. To expose and defeat him, François-Xavier Bellamy wants to bring the voice of reason, perseverance and courage.

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