Fred Nicácio complained about Bruna Griphao washing dishes with Cezar Black on BBB 23 (Globo). The doctor noted that the actress does not contribute to household chores.
Fred Nicocio: “There are a few stops that are starting to bother you, aren’t they? We’ve been here, we’ve been cooking and, man, Bruna doesn’t do anything! Then Larissa kept saying: ‘Come on, then chop the aubergine’. [Bruna]: ‘Oh, I don’t know how to cut eggplants’. Folks, just cut! Then she started cutting and there was a bug in there. Her: “Oh, there’s a larva! Aline, help me?’. And there goes Aline to do [por ela]”.
Cezar: “Did you see when they told us to come in? We went in, brought our things here, they left and we were the only ones who cleaned them up. Then they took the phone and started taking ‘selfies’.”
Fred Nicocio: “This is a topic that can be discussed. It becomes the reason for many things. This is coexistence. Guys, are you disgusted with larvae? Okay everyone is disgusted by something and remove it? And at least if it were like this: “Take it off for me and I’ll cut it off again?”. But no. “Do it here.” We know people don’t do it, they do. “I don’t usually do it.”