Freed from Worry by John Roos – Thought of the Day – TopChrétien

Freed from worries

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But you, O Lord, are my shield, you are my glory, and you lift up my head. I cry out to the LORD with a loud voice, and he answers me from his holy mountain. (…) I lie down and fall asleep; I wake up because the Lord is my support. I’m not afraid…
Psalm 3:4-7

It was a time of great danger and emotional upheaval. David fled for his life. Tragically, his persecutor was his own son, Absalom. We can hardly imagine the thoughts that must have been going through David’s head. Pain. The confusion. Worries. As he grappled with the complexities of this moment, David wrote this psalm.

Feeling overwhelmed and outnumbered, he cried out to God. There seemed to be no hope. Others might have concluded that God would not deliver him, but David did not give up. Rather, he turned to God because he knew that God was his “shield.” He knew God would respond and protect him.

After turning to God, David had such peace that he was able to sleep peacefully. He knew that God would support him. Although he was besieged by thousands of people on all sides, he was not worried. He could be at peace.

Throughout his life, David had many opportunities to worry and be afraid, but he also knew how to be free. He once wrote: “Cast your fate to the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never cause the righteous to stumble” (Psalm 55:23).

You too can be freed from fears and worries. Lay your worries before the Lord. Call him. Trust his word. Believe in His promises. Trust him. Rest in him. Let him give you real freedom and real peace!

Listen to the voice of God

Do you find it difficult not to give in to worries and fears? Let God speak to you of his unfailing faithfulness.

Praying means speaking to God as your heavenly Father, who loves you unconditionally and can hear everything. Here is a sample prayer: “Father, thank you for being a shield around me. Thank you for releasing me from all worries and fears. I trust you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. Today, like David, you can choose to focus on God and His promises and take time to thank Him for who He is and what He has accomplished in your life. You can be specific in your prayer.

Take action today

Now go deeper into what you received. What can you do to implement what God has told you? For example, you can do like Jeremiah did in Lamentations 3:21-24 and choose to proclaim God’s goodness and faithfulness rather than listing everything that is wrong.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you, Dad, because I can come to you at any time to taste your love, your goodness and receive your peace. To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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