French aid to Morocco Emmanuel Macron hopes the controversies can

French aid to Morocco: Emmanuel Macron hopes the controversies “can be silenced out of respect for everyone”

Emmanuel Macron denounced on Tuesday September 12 “controversies that have no basis” over bilateral relations between France and Morocco, while Rabat has so far not accepted the aid proposed by Paris after the devastating earthquake in the Marrakesh region.

“It is obviously up to His Majesty the King and the Government of Morocco to organize international assistance in a completely sovereign manner and therefore we are at the disposal of their sovereign decision,” the French President explained in a video addressed to the Moroccan people Network posted X (Ex-Twitter).

Follow us live: Earthquake in Morocco, live: According to the Moroccan Interior Ministry, the preliminary number rises to 2,901 dead and 5,530 injured

“This is what we have done quite normally from the first second, and that is why I would like to see any controversies that divide and complicate things in this already tragic moment be silenced out of respect.” for everyone,” he added.

Rabat announced on Sunday that it had accepted support from four countries (Spain, Britain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates) but had not requested French assistance, immediately raising many questions.

Close relationships

Relations between Morocco and France, a former colonial power home to a large Moroccan diaspora, have been strained since Emmanuel Macron sought to move closer to Algeria, which cut diplomatic ties with Rabat in 2021, accusing it of “hostile acts.”

Also read: Earthquake in Morocco: According to Rescuers Without Borders, “the authorities could have accepted a little more help”

Morocco also criticizes France for not allying with the United States and Israel, which have recognized the “Moroccan character” of Western Sahara, which is almost 80% controlled by Morocco.

“We are at your side today and tomorrow,” the French president told the Moroccans. Paris announced aid of 5 million euros for NGOs based in the country that are taking part in the relief effort.

“We will be there in the long term at the humanitarian level, at the medical level, in reconstruction, in helping culture and heritage in all areas where the Moroccan people and their authorities find us useful,” he said, adding.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers. Earthquake in Morocco: Strong mobilization in France following calls for donations from associations

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