French election results exit polls and outcomes

French election results, exit polls and outcomes

The first round of the French presidential election will see a neckandneck race with even closer margins. Marine LePen and Emmanuel Macron They are at 24% according to an exit poll published by Libre Belgique (the French media cannot release exit polls until polls close). The candidate of the left Jean Luc Melenchon it would stop at 19%.

The outgoing President and the Rassemblement National candidate will therefore enter the second round as was widely expected on the eve of the event. Much more important and unexpected are the percentages. Which is worrying for Macron if they are confirmed, because the polls on the eve of Le Pen showed growth but still behind the La Republique en marche candidate by at least a percentage point.

Five years ago, in the first round, Macron got just the 24% he’s awarded today, but Le Pen stopped at 21.4%. In the second round, he landed at 66% with an avalanche victory from Macron. But this year the parterre of the challengers, with Eric Zemmour the 8% that took votes away from the rightwing candidate must lead us to believe that the voting weights of the two candidates will be different. The last poll the night before gave in a possible second round Macron at 51% and Le Pen at 49%, well below statistical error (but with many ties).

As of 5 p.m., turnout was 65%, down 4.4 percentage points from the 2017 election, according to data released by the Interior Ministry in Paris.

All the news about the elections in France

7.33pm New exit poll (Belgian): Macron one point ahead of Le Pen

President Emmanuel Macron would edge out challenger Marine Le Pen by a hair’s breadth with 24.7%, at 23.5%, according to a new exit poll from the French presidential election, conducted in polls that are still open and just released by La Libre Belgique. .

19.26 Record abstention in Corsica, without incident

The ballots were closed and countless began in Corsica, where the world’s presidential elections were held without serious incident, but with record abstentions in HauteCorse and in memory of the late independence leader Yvan Colonna. Among the unrest reported by the newspaper Corse Matin, a Patrimonio della sticker inserted in the polling station’s lock has caused the opening of the vote to be postponed. In Ajaccio, posters with Colonna’s image were put up at the entrance to some polling stations. In Propriano, in southern Corsa, a graffiti on the town hall building called for “I Francesi Fora” (IFF).

7.15 p.m. Estimated abstention 26.5% (French average)

The abstention rate in the first round of the French presidential elections is estimated at 26.5%. This was reported by France 24, citing exit surveys commissioned from IpsosSopra Steria. That would be four points more than in the first leg in 2017.

6:54 p.m. Everything is ready for Macron’s election night

Everything is ready or almost ready at the Parc des Expositions in Paris, where tonight the outgoing French President Emmanuel Macron, will address some supporters and hundreds of journalists around the world after the release of the first results of the first round of the presidential elections. After a long queue, accredited journalists have to pass through strict security checks in order to get into the huge hall, in which a stage about 30 meters long has been set up. A lectern was set up in the middle, behind which were a flag of France and one of the EU. In the background a huge neon sign “Nous tous” to underline the unity of France.

18:25 Letta: “If Le Pen wins, he will break the EU”

“Self Marine LePen Should he win the French presidential election, it would be “a political earthquake in Europe, it would shatter Europe and it would also affect us”. Like this Enrico Letta to ‘half an hour more’.

18:22 Salvini: “The result of the elections in France will be interesting”

“I’m excited to see what the French will say at this point at 8pm tonight when the French polls close. I think it’s going to be very interesting.” That’s what the secretary of the league said Matteo Salvinion the French presidential elections on the sidelines of his visit to Vinitaly in Verona.

18.20 Macron is walking with his wife on the beach

After the vote President Macron accompanied by his wife Bridget Macronhe showed himself at Le Touquet on the beach, for a walk among the French.

President Macron with his wife Brigitte

President Macron with his wife Brigitte (afp)

18.19 Accident for Hidalgo, ballot not presented at polling station

Election accident for socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo. In the parish of Pau, New Aquitaine, ballots bearing his name were not presented to the public for nearly two hours for a seat that was forced to choose from 11 candidates. The ward council delegate then found that only 11 decks of cards had formed. The Hidalgo’s had actually been left in a box that hadn’t been accidentally opened. The Socialist candidate’s ballot papers were then placed on the table eighth after JeanLuc Mèlenchon to respect order.

6:18 p.m. Surprise exit poll: Macron was expected in front of Le Pen the night before

Ifop and Ipsos expect Macron to be first (26.5%) but just three points off Le Pen’s 23.5%. An Elabe survey shows only one point difference between the competitors (26% vs. 25%).

07/18 French elections, first exit polls: Macron and Le Pen at 24%

Emmanuel Macron and Marine LePen They would face off in the first round of France’s presidential election, each with 24% of the vote, according to a first exit poll conducted and broadcast by Libre Belgique. Third JeanLuc Mélenchon with 19%. The first French chicken exits will only be published after the elections have ended at 8 p.m.



6 p.m. abstention rate 26.5%, highest since 2002

The final French election abstention rate could be around 26.5% in this first round of presidential elections. This is the forecast published by BmfTv by Elabe and the Express for Sfr. In 2017, the final abstention rate was 22.23%. If confirmed, this would be the highest level of nonparticipation since 2002, when the abstention rate was 28.4%.

17.45 French election polls: the night before +3% for Macron (Ifop)

The latest Ifop poll on the first round of the French presidential election sees three differences between them Emmanuel Macronat 26.5%, e.g Marine LePen, at 23.5%. The gap between the two candidates has gradually narrowed. A month ago, the head of state was 13 points ahead of the leader of the National Assembly. After rising to 30% after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Macron has fallen back to its prewar level.

Presidential elections in France: the results of the first round of 2017