French elections polls Macron leads with 28 Behind Marine Le

French elections, polls: Macron leads with 28%. Behind Marine Le Pen and Melenchon

It is now less than two weeks until the presidential election France from April 10th and 24th. It officially started today the election campaign, which arrived this year in a climate of great uncertainty due to the war in Ukraine, which has already greatly influenced the selection of candidates. According to the latest polls, the outgoing President Emmanuel Macron he is always given as heavily favored, even if in his wake he begins to worry about the risk abstention. Meanwhile, the candidate of the national assembly, Marine LePen. According to a study by Bva Opinion reported by AFP, about 4 out of 10 voters sure go to vote have not voted yet. On the other hand, the number of abstentions, which is expected to be very high, is worrying.

second the studio Ipsos / Sopra Steria for Le Monde, la Fondation Jean Jaures etc Political Research Center for Sciences Po (Cevipof)The presidential candidate, who has been primarily concerned with the war in Ukraine in recent weeks, remains at the forefront of voting intentions with a view to the first ballot 28%but decreases by one point compared to the previous survey. Le Pen with whom he already went to the polls at the 2017 presidential precedents grows to 17.5% and earns 1.5 points compared to the end of February. Jean Luc Melenchon (Union populaire) is awarded in third place with 14% (+2 points) ahead of Zemmour (Reconquete!) with 11.5% (1.5 points). The candidate of the Republicains, Valerie Pécresse is at 10%, while on the left is the ecologist Yannik Jadot remains stable at 7% ahead of the communist Fabian Roussel and the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgoto 3.5% and 2% respectively.

Today Macron responded to the militants’ attacks Eric Zemmouryesterday during the rally of the farright candidate at the Place du Trocadero In Paris, they chanted “Macron assassins” without his doing anything to stop them. The former polemicist who founded the movement recapture! he defended himself by asserting that he had not heard what his parents were shouting and that he certainly did not condone it. “There are two hypotheses Macron replied today at a meeting with citizens in Dijon the first is outrage, which I think is more credible. The second, he ironically, “is ignorance of a very important fiveyear reform, 100% health. Meanwhile the hearing aids, glasses and dentures are reimbursed by the state. “It’s part of my record and it’s a social record that I’m proud of. I invite the hearingimpaired candidate to equip themselves with minimal effort,” was Macron’s reproach against Zemmour. Starting today, the rules for the 12 candidates in the race will be stricter, including equal speaking time for everyone in the media. The race for the Elysée, an appointment of major importance for French and European political news, has this time been partly overshadowed by the conflict in Ukraine and many observers are raising the risk of a strong abstention.