Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

French union CGT calls for disobedience against immigration law

“The norm calls into question all our republican principles and lays out a red carpet for the extreme right,” stressed the general secretary of the organization with more than 600,000 members, Sophie Binet, in the RMC network, a position shared by political leaders of the organization becomes left (communists, socialists, rebels and environmentalists).

According to the leader, large-scale actions will be called in the coming weeks to reject the law, calling on “those who do not feel part of this lepenized France (echoing Marine Le Pen) to show their determination to do so “So.” respect the values ​​of solidarity.”

The text adopted in the Senate and the National Assembly was the result of a negotiation between the ruling party and the conservatives, with the latter having the advantage, and therefore contains measures not originally foreseen by the government and which hinder family reunification, the opportunities of foreign students and social assistance for resident foreigners.

Likewise, it reduces the possibility of legalization of “undocumented” people working in professions where there is a labor shortage, establishes the crime of irregular residence and penalizes it with a fine, and leaves the door open for a reform of medical assistance State for Undocumented immigrants, an advantage the right wants to eliminate.

For Binet, President Emmanuel Macron is caught in what he described as a political and moral drift, comparing the scenario to the sinking of the Titanic.

The Titanic began to sink with the pension reform, and now it is reaching its lowest point with this immigration law, which embodies the alliance of the money world with xenophobic ideology, he warned.

The day before, social and trade union organizations, including the CGT itself, and political parties called on Macron to abandon Noma in a joint statement.

“Mr. President, on the occasion of your television intervention, we solemnly call on you to make the only valid decision: you must renounce a law that represents an attack on the values ​​of our republic and, moreover, breaks it down. Your own majority will destroy the country.” , write.

For his part, the head of state defended the law on television, which he saw as “the protective shield that the country was missing” and attributed to it two objectives: the fight against irregular immigration and a better integration of foreigners through language learning and work.
