1696821156 Frida Sofia leaves Mira que Baila why did her return

Frida Sofía leaves “Mira qué Baila”: why did her return to television end badly? Yahoo style

Frida Sofía in Mira Quien Baila: La Revancha.  Courtesy of Univision

Frida Sofía in Mira Quien Baila: La Revancha. Courtesy of Univision

Frida Sofía and Univision presented her participation in the 2023 season of “Mira qué Baila” as the great return of Alejandra Guzmán’s daughter to artistic life. However, everything went wrong.

Sources from the show’s production, who spoke on condition of anonymity, assured Yahoo Life and Style that the negotiations were complicated and included clauses that stipulated what she could be discussed about. They even decided what music they wouldn’t dance to. It wasn’t easy, but they did it and last Sunday they made their debut.

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Part of the deal was that he let Sherlyn interview him for the “Look Who Dances with Sherlyn” segment on YouTube. Although the press did not have access to Frida Sofía, she touched on several interesting topics in this lecture, including her passion for music and performing arts, as well as her mental health in the midst of so much controversy.

“Independence has given me what I never had and the tools to excel anywhere. You just have to believe in yourself to achieve it and before I didn’t believe in it and now I do,” he explained. In addition, he said that he agreed to take part in the show because it is a reality show “that presents a challenge that helps you grow.” She considered it a big difference from others , that all she had to do was talk or sit.

A strong start

In statements from Univision, Frida Sofía admitted that the preparation before the start of the program was good, “especially the mental part”. Regardless of each contestant’s ability, rehearsals are rigorous and begin weeks before the first show. It is a significant investment of time, discipline and effort.

The program in the USA began last Sunday. Frida Sofía’s first dance was the song “La Boda del Huitlacoche” to the rhythm of the Quebradita. It was a great performance that earned him applause from the jury. Although he was known to have the physical ability, his ability to dance was a pleasant surprise.

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His second dance was a duel with Sandra Itzel, who danced the song “Como Quieras Quiero”. The jury decided that the winner was the singer of Sonora Dinamita. Nevertheless, the jury predicted a good future for him in production.

What happened in the second program?

Frida Sofía’s fans celebrated her and applauded her on social networks. They called her “mature,” “genius,” “winner” and a “great dancer.” They seemed very committed to her and willing to support her throughout the eight weeks of the competition. They missed it.

According to production, Frida Sofía did not show up for the tapings of the second gala and was ultimately disqualified. Univision confirmed that it has permanently exited “Mira Quien Baila: La Revancha” in an official statement:

“We consider Frida Sofía, like the other stars participating in this edition, to be part of the MQB family. At the second gala, the artist did not show up for the recording, making her the first star to leave the competition.”

“Nothing like this has ever happened before,” said Chiqui Delgado, who co-hosts the show with Mane de la Parra. Jurors Roselyn Sánchez, Bianca Marroquí and Issac Hernández obviously couldn’t believe it.

Frida Sofía looked radiant at the first Mira Quien Baila gala.  Courtesy of Univision

Frida Sofía looked radiant at the first Mira Quien Baila gala. Courtesy of Univision

What caused Frida Sofía’s displeasure?

It was rumored in some entertainment shows that an incident occurred on Frida’s last day on the reality show that triggered her departure. Some claim she was in an “uncomfortable state” in her dressing room, others claim she had a panic attack. However, it has not been officially said what led her to the decision to drop out of the competition.

However, it turned out that in an interview on Despierta América, Frida believed that her agreement with Univision had been violated. In the morning, presenter Francisca Lachapel asked him about a topic related to Alejandra Guzmán.

“Recently your mother released a song, a song in which she is basically, as people say, asking for reconciliation, a song in which she expresses that she misses you. Did you hear the song? It’s called ‘Milagros,'” Francisca asked.

“Yes,” said Frida Sofia.

“And what did you think?” Francisca continued.

“I identify a little bit because, you know, I don’t struggle with the demons of the past either and, as the song says, there are a lot of blessings too,” the artist replied.

Although he was very professional at that moment, something happened when Francisca officially apologized on her social networks. Frida Sofía reposted the video with an emoji that showed disgust.

In the video for the song, Alejandra Guzmán posts photos of Frida Sofía as a child and speaks clearly about the situation with her daughter, from whom she has been estranged since 2019.

For me, you are the chapter that is not yet closed
I can’t continue living with demons from the past
I always think of you, I am your mother and nothing will change that
I don’t know how to give up, I’m still waiting here for you
Because I think
in miracles

Frida Sofía and Alejandra Guzmán in 2012. (Trisha Leeper/WireImage)

Frida Sofía and Alejandra Guzmán in 2012. (Trisha Leeper/WireImage)

Although Alejandra Guzmán’s daughter did not provide any information about what happened, a few hours before the broadcast of the second gala, she shared pictures from the rehearsals and presentations and thanked her dance partner.

The big question is whether Frida Sofía wants to continue fighting for an artistic career. Walking away from a production where he had a chance to win doesn’t seem like the most efficient way to accomplish that. It also doesn’t bode well for reconciliation between mother and daughter.