Friday and Sunday in quotEverything has to be reinventedquot Mellone

Friday and Sunday in, "Everything has to be reinvented": Mellone bomb, Rai revolution

The interview by Angelo Mellone Repubblica may have anticipated the coming revolution on Sunday afternoon on Rai 1. Go Mara Venier (and maybe even Francesca Fialdini) and wide a Massimo Giletti? The hypothesis is also on the table, emphasizes the director ofDaytime entertainment (ie 8-20) from Viale Mazzini, the negotiation with the former host of It's not the arena When he leaves La7, he doesn't follow her.

The competition takes place in the central time slots 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. and 3 p.m. – 6 p.m Mediaset And Channel 5 It's particularly intense because Rai wins the overall audience and the share match in the morning slot 8-12 and in the early evening, 18-20. However, Mellone encourages the first experiments: “Caterina Balivo with The right time It grows. Every month it records a plus sign, it improves, we are at 70 out of 200 episodes. Building a competitive program takes time, the audience gets stronger, and a lower start doesn't always mean it's a flop. Beautiful mom with Pierluigi Diaco Rai 2 is doing very well, it's growing faster than all the others, it has its audience; The turn to diversity worked.”

Read also: Domenica In, Pd vs Mara Venier: “A member of the Northern League and Dalla Chiesa? Disturbance in Rai”

Crime news, Mellone explains, “must be limited to certain spaces and respect the public: that’s what I’m thinking about.” Italian stories with Eleonora Daniele it is at 14 o'clock with Milo Infante. Then there is Alberto Matano which deals with all the news but covers much more Live life“.

Also read: Mara Venier embarrasses the guest: “The gaze always falls there”

The most exciting chapter of the interview, however, is the one about the future of Domenica In, a program that “everything has yet to be invented, we have to see what will happen with Mara Venier, who is it.” a champion. The program is fighting back, the competition has been able to build a very strong offering. Sunday is going rethought with a news/entertainment offering, perhaps in segments.” It's impossible not to think of Giletti: “I don't bother with it. At Rai he achieved important results, it would be strategic. With The arena They were record ratings. I don't know what will happen.