FRIENDS 2023, ED. 23/ Preview recording of the November 19th episode: Matthew eliminated? The challenge with Sesto VI

Amici 2023, November 19th Episode Recording Preview November 16th: Matthew Calls for Sixtus VI out of here

Samuel, in art Sixth VIIt is Challenger that Matthew must be faced during registration Friends 23 today, November 16th While the Internet is trembling over Matthew’s possible departure, which would be a real drama for his girlfriend Mew, Sesto presented himself in front of the Amici cameras and threw sharp remarks at his rival.

These are his words: “I’m definitely here because I might have a different attitude than other people my age. I think I’m smart in my musical choices. The choices I make in my songs work, in my opinion! I write very much from my gut and try never to be banal. I really like Mew, he has an astronomical voice. Then I’m a fan of Midas. Lil Jolie has her own reason in my opinion, she is very good and intimate in her writing. Anything I haven’t planted doesn’t get my attention.” Finally, about Matthew: “I don’t listen to him, I don’t particularly like him. His piece is monotonous, he could do it better.” (Update by Anna Montesano)

Amici 2023, preview of the November 19 episode taping from November 16: competitions and possible eliminations

Today, November 16, 2023, there is a new episode of Friends 23, which will be broadcast on Sunday November 19th from 2 p.m. on Canale 5. Hosting an episode full of challenges and competitions for the students is Maria De Filippi, ready to welcome many faces from the world of music and dance. Also ready to judge the students are the dance teachers – Alessandra Celentano, Emanuel Lo and Raimondo Todaro – and the singing teachers – Lorella Cuccarini, Rudy Zerbi and Anna Pettinelli.

In addition to Homework assigned by teachers during the week, Amici 23 students are judged by external singing and dance professionals. It’s up to them to create the leaderboard that rewards the worst performers. These students must present themselves in front of their teacher, who will decide whether to give them another chance, hang up their shirt, challenge them or even replace them.

Amici 23, Previews: New special competition for the dancers and ratings success for Holden

The usual singing and dancing competitions are then followed by special tests that a few selected students have to take. A new competition for dancers will identify a top performer who will receive a special prize, such as a performance on a major stage or a scholarship. Instead, the singers could return to perform their singles on stage, which were released on Spotify a few days ago.

At the moment it is like this held to keep the ratings record: His “Dimmi che non è un addio” is Amici 2023’s most listened to piece to date and has exceeded the one million stream mark in just a few days.

Friends 2023, previews: Elia and Simone eliminated and replaced?

Then it’s time to discover the fate of Simone Galluzzo, student of Emanuel Lo, ended up in last place several times and with a blocked jersey; will it be eliminated? He takes the same risk Elijah, always a student of Emanuel Lo. This week the professor saw new possible competitors for Amici 23: will the first replacement arrive?

After all, another collision cannot be ruled out Nicholas, Students of Raimondo Todaro and the Teacher Celentano. During the week, the boy had violent outbursts against the teacher: “Sometimes when she gives me a task, I get the impression that she doesn’t think I can handle it. – he explained – If he wants to tell Maestro Raimondo Todaro that maybe I shouldn’t be here, there are a thousand other ways to do it instead of bringing such a high level to this stage. Everything I do here will be looked down upon. I can’t take it anymore. Why does it have to ruin the goals I’ve achieved, such as the scholarship!”