Friends Alessandra Celentano reveals She will always be there for

Friends, Alessandra Celentano reveals: She will always be there for you! TVDaily

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Friends, Alessandra Celentano reveals: She will always be there for you!

Alessandra Celentano, the iconic face of Amici di Maria De Filippi, reveals incredible details about herself, her work and her relationships! Here’s what he said!

Friends of Maria De Filippi, twenty-third edition, continues to move forward and provides a lot of emotions. While the various children are gripped by reflections, some by doubts and discouragement, the teachers continue in their role as educators and companions. Alessandra Celentano has been a teacher at the Canale 5 talent show for 21 years: The teacher is known for being very strict, but also extremely competent. Interviewed at In the spirit of Silvia Toffanin, “Cele” had the opportunity to tell her story…

Friends, Alessandra Celentano admits: “It is a great satisfaction”

As already happened Angelina Mango, Alessandra Celentano She is greeted by a video recounting a small part of her career, featuring some of the recent graduates Friends. Alessandra Celentano She said she was very touched when she saw these pictures and expressed her great thoughts about the students: “You know, it was very emotional to see this video. This is a portion of all the students who have come through here Friends is that they work in all the largest companies in the world… and that is a great satisfaction.”

There Celentano He continues and always talks about the kids he followed on the flagship network’s programming Mediaset: “AND I try to follow them even after the factbecause they are young, They need advice and the knowledge that there is someone besides the family who really understands them on a professional level, who can advise you? I think this is very important. I will always be available to these guys.

Read all the news on the topic Friends of Maria De Filippithe talent show that airs on Channel 5.