Friends Benedetta Vari reveals quotWhen I think about it my

Friends, Benedetta Vari reveals: "When I think about it, my heart explodes because there is always a second chance"

The confession of the former Amici 22 student.

Benedetta Vari She was one of the protagonists of the twenty-second edition of Friends. In response to some curiosity from her fans on Instagram, the dancer is at the center of the rumors surrounding her Relationship with Mattia Zenzolashe spoke about herself and revealed the choreography that was done in school and that has stayed in her heart.

Benedetta Vari: the words about Amici and Mattia Zenzola

The 23rd edition of. officially began on Sunday September 24th on Canale 5 Friends, but last year’s protagonists continue to be at the center of rumors. Of all people, the boy Dancer Benedetta Vari who in the last few hours has decided to answer some of the curiosity of his many fans on social media:

My life has changed. I am extremely grateful for everything I was able to experience and what I am experiencing. My life has also changed because I am surrounded by wonderful people, including you, and because I can do what I love […] Second chances always come. Dancing on stages and meeting fans all summer long was one of the best experiences of my life. Every time it’s something magical, I leave it with a heart full of love. I thank Matti for sharing these incredible experiences with me.

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About his experience display Friendswhich was also influenced by special relationship with Mattia Zenzola, Blessed revealed:

The choreography that has stayed in my heart is the first Rumba with Matti, it is undoubtedly my favorite choreography. It was the first co-edited work created with Raimondo, Francesca and Umberto. Just the shared thought in the room makes my heart explode. Do I listen more to my head or my heart? I’m trying to strike a balance between them…

The way I act is the sum of both thoughts. It’s right to listen to your heart, without it the world wouldn’t turn, but it’s important to think about things, to have a head and not just react instinctively. Sometimes there is no turning back… However, I convince myself not to be afraid, yes, because if you do the right thing, the two will agree.

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