Friends from around the world reaffirm their solidarity with Cuba

By Aylin Herrera Reyes and José Manuel Lapeira Casas I Photo: Luis Jiménez Echevarría on September 28, 2023. Published in Cuba.

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Havana, September 28 (ACN) We come to express the admiration of many for Cuba and its Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), as the defenders of each neighborhood said today in this capital, said Jorge Arreaza Monserrat, Minister of the revolution municipalities and social movements of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

In his speech at the 10th Congress of the CDR organization, which ends this Thursday, Arreaza Monserrat highlighted that, similar to the Cuban CDR, more than three million people work in neighborhood structures that contribute to the consolidation of the Bolivarian process in the communities contribute.

In his words, he summarized the sincere and warm greetings of many Venezuelans to the Committees on the 63rd anniversary of their founding for the example they have set for the region throughout their existence.

Pedro Vázquez Martínez, member of the Mexican Labor Party and executive secretary of the Continental Front of Community Organizations, agreed with these assessments and emphasized the honor of being in the room, as the CDR represents a tangible example of the immense possibilities of socialism and popular achievement.

The leader delved into the importance of the Light of the Greater Antilles to the region, based on the magnitude of the achievement and the generosity even in the midst of difficulties, for which he was proud to be an active part of this fight.

He said that Cuba continues to advance in this noble vision of brotherhood in solidarity and the search for happiness, not overlooking the role of the CDR in deepening the revolutionary process and its humanistic vocation.

Vázquez Martínez expressed the wish that the agreements resulting from the conclave serve to consolidate and strengthen the work of the CDR organization in its locations.

In addition to the presence of the Venezuelan and Mexican delegations, supportive friends from Spain, Brazil, the United States, Russia and Ecuador, among others, were present at the event.

The Committees for the Defense of the Revolution celebrate this Thursday the 63rd anniversary of their founding, created at the suggestion of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz on September 28, 1960, to mobilize the entire people for the tasks of defending the Revolution. and the achievements of socialism through direct work with the people and families of the community.