1700407823 Friends He locks himself in the bathroom to cry

Friends: He locks himself in the bathroom to cry | The other students don’t know what to do NewsCinema Magazine

Drama about friends

Friends of Maria De Filippi – Source: Facebook – Newscinema.it

At Amici di Maria De Filippi the mood isn’t exactly the best, as the student locks himself in the bathroom to cry and the gesture didn’t go unnoticed. The path is divided as usual and “parts” are created.

Friends by Maria De Filippi is the famous school for dance and dance, which has been trying for years to prepare the lucky students who are selected for life in the best possible way from the program TV. Unfortunately, not everyone will “aAlessandra Amoroso“But every student can learn something and use this experience as motivation to keep going towards the goal that they have decided.

If we want to take a closer look at Queen Mary’s program, we can certainly look at it as that Metaphor of lifesince we are all constantly at the center of a stage on the test bench, whatever we do. In the everyday life We meet those who applaud us and those who criticize us. It’s up to us to know how to get back on our feet. The Amici dancer was definitely having a bad day and ran to the bathroom after being insulted cry. We’re talking about him.

The drama of the dancer from Amici

Before we talk about what happened to the dancer from Friends, there is one more fact shocked the whole world of talent, one of them first dancer Unfortunately, those who took part in the program lost his challenge older against an illness that left her no escape. Daniela Romano had joined the program Maria De Filippiwhen it was still called You will be famousthe first historical season of what would later become: Friends.

Daniela was a dancer, but would also like to specialize in singing and acting, she had told the school microphones a long time ago 2001. Many wanted it say goodbye to her for example on social media Dennis Fantinawinner of the same issue: “Hello Daniela, have a good trip.” Also Mirna Brancottiher friend and also a student of Saranno Famosi: “Your stomach tightens, your heart tightens.”

A very heated confrontation

After dealing with the news from dramatic disappearance Now let’s move on to a much gentler, albeit very sad, topic about 40-year-old dancer Daniela Romano. Nicholas BorgogniShe had a very difficult confrontation with the teacher. Alessandra Celentanowho said she wasn’t happy with it Performance of the young dancer who was increasingly incredulous at the scholarship the young man had worked so hard to obtain.

As one might think, Nicholas didn’t take it well at all this criticism, as he himself said: “You also have to laugh about my scholarship and my goals. It’s okay to tell me the negative things, but at least don’t ruin the positive things for me…” Amici’s student then ran into the house and locked himself in bath and let himself go to one desperate cryingHe left his companions, who often waited for him outside, at the door Worries for him.

Unfortunately, that’s life very difficult and most of the time it is harsh and even unfair, as the story of shows Daniellaand yet, as long as you are Live and be healthyevery problem will always have one Solution. there is always a reason battle and move on and hopefully Nicholas can figure it out as quickly as possible and just focus on his own Dream.