Friendship and Astrology: These signs are masters at cultivating friends Escola Educação

Zodiac signs are a branch of astrology that attempts to understand people’s traits and personalities based on the position of the stars at the time of their birth.

Friendship is a special bond between people who share interests, values ​​and mutual support. In the context of characters, these relationships can also be influenced by the properties of each character.

Each sign has different traits and tendencies that can affect different aspects of life, including friendships. For astrology, these are the signs that know how to maintain a friendship.

Signs that cultivate friendship

1. Pisces

Pisces are very sensitive to the needs and feelings of their friends and are always ready to offer support and understanding.

They have a natural ability to listen and make excellent advisors as they have a keen intuition and are often able to pick up on the feelings of others without voicing them.

2. Aquarius

Aquarians are friendly and approachable, which makes them engaging conversationalists. You are openminded and always looking for new ideas and concepts.

This openness allows them to connect with a wide range of people, regardless of background, culture or beliefs.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are known for their spirit of adventure, openmindedness, and zest for life, which makes them exciting and fun companions.

Their willingness to explore the world and meet new people makes them excellent friends.

4. lion

Those born under the sign of Leo exude an aura of natural leadership and often take the initiative in organizing social events and gatherings where they can bring people together and create opportunities for the development of friendships.

They have a knack for creating a welcoming and fun environment where everyone feels welcome and happy to interact.

5. Libra

Libras are known for their ability to balance different perspectives and find peaceful solutions.

They are masters of diplomacy and know how to handle conflicts elegantly and fairly. This ability makes those around you feel comfortable and safe in your company.

6. Gemini

You are generally naturally extroverted and comfortable in social interactions. They are outgoing and enjoy meeting new people, making it easy for them to start conversations and socialize with others.

Your friendly and open personality attracts people and creates a pleasant atmosphere around you.