1689566216 From gullible to believer

From gullible to believer

From gullible to believer

On July 9, the “false announcement” announcement of a reality show offering one hundred thousand euros to one of eight contestants who were said to be staying at a resort went viral. The popular jury (people who spoiled the casting by miles) chose the winner. In the pictures, this alleged jury gave an opinion on the duels (that’s how the show was called “Duels”) in which the participants took part. Hosted by a well-known Tiktoker, Luc Loren. And celebrities, actually just one: María Bustos, an influencer who suffered an unfortunate accident that caused her to lose her sight (making soap with caustic soda). What was clearly an institutional campaign or advertisement (it was the latter) enjoyed worrying credibility.

If the vast majority of viewers are unable to tell a virally targeted ad from a real one, we’re lost. A self-promotion is no different from a news story; You need to explain what, who, when, how and where. If any of these questions are missing, then there is no promo worth doing. This ad didn’t say “Coming Soon” or believable staging (reality shows don’t light up like the Euphoria series set). The assumed cast was completely unbalanced and the presenter is only known to a certain part of the public. Which sector? That of the target group of the announced online psychology platform.

As an advertisement it was a very good idea, but what it said about the viewer is very serious. How is it that a population exposed to so many images is unable to distinguish one language from another? How is it that in the age of disinformation there are so few people able to analyze what they see, even unconsciously? We go from gullible to believers, and that turns us into manipulable beings, leaves in the wind. we poor

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