WhatsApp group polls and the ability to link new mobile devices to your WhatsApp account are in the works. Check the details here.
Social media apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram and others differ from each other in several ways. There are some features that you will find on WhatsApp but not on Instagram or Telegram and vice versa. But in order to stand up to the fierce competition and allow the users to use the app with more features, these companies keep working and coming out with new updates. And according to a recent WhatsApp update, the company is working on group polls. Informing about this, WABetaInfo tweeted: “WhatsApp Beta for Android what’s new? WhatsApp is finally working on group polls for a future app update.”
Earlier, WABetinfo announced that WhatsApp is working on the ability to create group polls for a future update of WhatsApp iOS Beta and WhatsApp Desktop Beta. And now, according to the latest details, the messaging app is working on WhatsApp for Android Beta group polls. “Specifically, WhatsApp is working on a new section of the app on WhatsApp Beta for Android where group polls can be created in a future update,” WABetaInfo said in a report.
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The report further informed that under the option to create group polls there are specific fields where users have to fill in the question and their options and it is possible to add up to 12 possible options. When the feature rolls out for beta testers, the group poll will be end-to-end encrypted, meaning no one can see its content, not even WhatsApp. However, the exact release date of the WhatsApp group polling feature is not yet known.
Aside from group polls, the messaging app is also working on the ability to link new mobile devices to your WhatsApp account. This will also be introduced in a future update and a release date for it is not yet known. “A second multi-device version was already planned last year, and today we finally have new details: WhatsApp is now working on a suitable section where you can connect another mobile device!” informed WABetaInfo.
The section is called “Register Device as Companion” and appears when you try to open WhatsApp on a secondary mobile device. In this case, you can also choose to link your WhatsApp account to use it on another device, the report adds.
“At the moment it seems necessary to point your primary device at the secondary device’s screen to link them by scanning the QR code: after linking your WhatsApp account to a secondary device, you can finally use the Start using WhatsApp on another phone! Note that this feature will also allow you to pair an Android tablet as a secondary device in the future,” said WABetaInfo.