From U2 to Gigi Hadid the artists call for peace

From U2 to Gigi Hadid, the artists’ call for peace – TVA Nouvelles

U2, Madonna, Gigi Hadid… Many artists have condemned the attack by the Islamist movement Hamas on Israel and the spiral of war and have triggered unanimous calls for peace on social networks.

• Also read: LIVE | Day 6 of the Israel-Hamas war

According to the Israeli army, more than 1,200 people were killed in Israel, most of them civilians. According to the Israeli government, around 150 Israelis, foreigners and dual nationals, were taken hostage by Hamas. According to a recent report from authorities in Gaza, 1,200 people have been killed in Israeli reprisals.

world of music

Bono, the leader of the Irish group U2, changed the lyrics of his song “Pride (In the Name of Love)” and launched a call for prayer for peace and the young victims of the Supernova music festival, where several hundred people died and were injured .

Pop icon Madonna also called for prayers “for Israel,” “for peace,” and “for the world,” emphasizing that “conflicts can never be resolved with violence.”

“Unfortunately, humanity does not understand and has never understood this universal truth. We live in a world plagued by hate,” she added.

The classical world is in harmony, through the voice of Israeli-Argentine pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim, long known for his commitment to peace, particularly through the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, which co-founded in 1999 with the Palestinian-American thinker Edward Saïd was founded.

He strongly condemned “Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians” and expressed his “solidarity with all victims and their families” and ruled that “the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip represents a policy of collective punishment that is a violation of human rights “.

Hollywood stars

Israeli actress Gal Gadot, who rose to fame for her portrayal of Wonder Woman, said: “The world cannot stand still when these terrible terrorist attacks happen.”

“I support Israel, you should too,” she continued.

American-Israeli actress Natalie Portman denounced a “barbaric act” and said “pray” after the Hamas attack.

The Rock, star of American blockbusters and former wrestling great, said he was “heartbroken” and “angry”.

“I don’t claim to know everything about this complex conflict in the Middle East,” but “heinous terrorist attacks like this can never be justified.”

fashion world

Model Gigi Hadid, whose father is Palestinian, said she had “hopes and dreams for the Palestinians, but without violence against the Jewish people.”

“Neither Palestinians nor Israelis deserve to become victims of this spiral of reprisals,” she emphasized.

Linda Evangelista, top model star of the 80s, said: “Send countless prayers to the Israeli and Palestinian children who are and always have been victims of this war.”

On the side of the people

Reality TV star Kylie Jenner deleted a post that said, “Today and forever we stand with the people of Israel” after receiving criticism.

Artists in France are also speaking out

French director Alexandre Arcady told AFP “the amazement, disgust and anger that have overwhelmed him since Saturday.”

Actress Géraldine Nakache, comedian Kev Adams and designer Joann Sfar also expressed their feelings on Instagram.