Ft The Israeli guards had warned their superiors that Hamas

Ft: “The Israeli guards had warned their superiors that Hamas was training for an attack…

Ft The Israeli guards had warned their superiors that Hamas

Israeli intelligence agencies deliberately ignored a report they received weeks before the October 7 Hamas attack that the Islamic party that rules the Gaza Strip was training to invade Israel. This is reported by the Financial Times, citing close sources, describing what a high-ranking official is like […]




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The secret services Israelis They did it on purpose ignored a report received weeks before the attack Hamas on October 7, which reported that the Islamic party that rules the Gaza Strip had conducted training for the invasion of Gaza Israel. This is what the Financial Times reports, citing close sources, and describes how a high-ranking intelligence officer from Tel Aviv Some soldiers warned of a possible attack by Palestinian militias as “scenario unreal“.

According to the testimonies collected by the British newspaper, the report was prepared by Guard post He was stationed near the electronic fence surrounding the strip and sent it directly to the highest-ranking intelligence officer in Southern Command. Inside, soldiers warned that Hamas was on the way Training make to blow up Checkpoints, with targeted actions enter Israeli territory and take control Kibbutz. The memo ignored by the leaders also contained a List of agricultural communities that they were at risk and suggested that the armed group was training for the operation Rockets to distract and capture Israeli forces hostages. A reconstruction that is very close to what happened on October 7th, when Hamas killed more than 1,200 people in the attack and kidnapped over 200 instead.

This is not the first rumor about flaws in Tel Aviv’s security system. Previously, an investigation by the New York Times shed light on the prime minister’s responsibilities Benjamin Netanyahu Despite leading the most right-wing government in Israel’s modern history, he was heavily criticized for this underestimated Hamas’s mobilization capabilities, which is a “negotiation” with the Palestinian party, allowing the armed group to organize. The FT’s own sources stressed that their warnings were ignored not because they came from lower-ranking soldiers, but because they came into conflict with the FT Trust of the Israeli government to have successfully contained the militant group. The administration was so sure of this that they did it stopped the wiretapping Think of one of the leaders of Hamas “Waste of resources” for the country. The leaders of theIdfwho was interviewed by the FT, replied that “the commanders and soldiers were strictly focused” on defeating Hamas, but added that “it will be conducted after the war”. a thorough investigation to clarify all the details.

The warnings ignored by Netanyahu are not limited to lower-ranking soldiers. Weeks before the attack, the prime minister had refused to receive the general Hearty HaleviChief of Army Staff who had requested an audience to warn of the danger of a Hamas attack by the so-called Hamas “Axis of Resistance”i.e. the alliance between the Lebanese, Syrian Palestinians and other groups supported by theIran against Israel. Likewise, on July 24, two senior generals appeared before one Knesset half deserted to convey urgent information on national security issues to members of the assembly, which again went unheard. Warnings leading up to the October 7 massacre included a warning from neighboring Egypt’s intelligence chief that Abbas Kamalwho, according to some reconstructions, called Netanyahu and stressed that “something big” was about to happen on the side of Hamas.