1704835106 FTQ Valuation and Outlook for 2023 2024 Magali Picard criticizes

FTQ Valuation and Outlook for 2023-2024 | Magali Picard criticizes Legault and Poilievre –

The FTQ on Tuesday gave a positive assessment of its progress in 2023, while criticizing François Legault's record and the emergence of conservative leader Pierre Poilievre on the national stage 24 months or less before the federal election.

Posted at 3:09 p.m.


At a press conference in Montreal, Quebec Federation of Trade Unions (FTQ) president Magali Picard said she was “proud and excited” about the idea of ​​presenting to its members the details of the agreement in principle with which the government agreed has lost the trust of the population, particularly when it comes to the cost of living.

“I am tough on the government of François Legault, but I think that I basically reflect what the population thinks: we see it in the polls.” He himself admits that he needs a compass because he seems to have the “I lost my bearings,” she said.

Ms. Picard, for example, has difficulty explaining why François Legault has still not recognized the existence of systemic racism in Quebec.

“We could imagine our prime minister saying in a public forum, 'I've done my homework, I've bothered to listen to you.' Finally it exists and we will work on it.” But no, unfortunately. It is extremely difficult to move things forward when you have a head of state who does not recognize something that is so likely. »

Denis Bolduc, Secretary General of the FTQ, was also present at the press conference and welcomed the adoption of the Federal Anti-Corruption Law in 2023, which met several of the FTQ's demands. “The law improves the situation of employees in the event of a company going bankrupt,” he said.

On the issue of drug insurance, Mr. Bolduc said the country is “on the verge” of seeing this dream come true. “Mr. Trudeau is committed to this,” he recalled.

In Quebec, it is particularly the media crisis that affects the FTQ for 2024. “We know that 1,200 media jobs were lost in Quebec in 2023. This is huge.” Many regional weekly newspapers and local radio stations have to close, and the national media cannot cover all topics in the region. This is problematic and we will call on Quebec and Ottawa in 2024 to find a possible solution. »

The issue of closed permits for foreign workers coming to work in Quebec will also be on the agenda this year. “For the UN to even compare Quebec’s closed permitting system to “modern slavery” is embarrassing. We have to change that, and that includes issuing open permits.”

Poilievre was worried

FTQ Valuation and Outlook for 2023 2024 Magali Picard criticizes


“I have been following Pierre Poilievre's career for a long time. “He has a new image of a ‘good guy’ but his philosophy and values ​​are very far from those of the FTQ,” said Magali Picard.

Magali Picard reported on Tuesday that federal conservative leader Pierre Poilievre's election campaign was “worrying” in the eyes of the FTQ, which wants to express its concerns about his candidacy next year.

“I have been following Pierre Poilievre's career for a long time. “He has a new image of a ‘good guy’ but his philosophy and values ​​are very far from those of the FTQ,” she said.

One of the roles of a trade union is to inform its members about the issues that affect them and the FTQ intends to do this over the next year.

“We know, for example, that Mr. Poilievre supports “right to work” in the United States, and we have seen impoverishment of the middle class in the states where it has been implemented. We will show the other side of the coin, we will make the information available,” she said.