1684628795 Fuzue Soap opera replacing Vai na Fe reveals its first

Fuzuê: Soap opera replacing “Vai na Fé” reveals its first cast photo

Join a great mystery, two women with strong personalities who have more in common than they realize hints of a missing mother, touches of love at first sight and plenty of humor as they search for life’s treasures. The fuzue is ready. Or rather, thefuzuê‘, the next soap opera at 7pm on TV Globo, written by Gustavo Reiz and under the artistic direction of Fabricio Mamberti, the ‘walk in faith“.

And in this Best of Fuzuê atmosphere, part of the cast recently met for a workshop with trainer Ariela Goldmann. In the photo above are Giovanni Cordeiro, Marina Ruy Barbosa, Nicholas Prattes, Edson Celulari, Fernanda Rodrigues, Juliano Cazarre, Felipe Simás, Jessica Colors, Pedro Carvalho, Bia Montez, Walkiria Ribeiro, Guil Anacleto, Heslaine Viera, Noemia Oliveira, Ruan Aguiar, Bruno de Mello, Danilo Maia, Cinnara Leal, Deodorant Garcez, Clayton Nascimento It is Michael Borges.

“Fuzuê”, whose debut is planned for the second half of the year, is a romantic comedy that deals with different social and family relationships in a light and humorous way, against the background of two sisters’ search for their desires and personal achievements.

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In the story, Luna (Giovana Cordeiro), the plot’s heroine, is a humble, charismatic woman living in the Fátima neighborhood of central Rio de Janeiro, who makes and sells biogems and tirelessly searches for clues that will reveal the whereabouts of his mother Maria Navalha (Olivia Araújo), a former singer from Lapa who has mysteriously disappeared.

On the other side of the map lives Preciosa (Marina Ruy Barbosa), the antagonist of the story. A wellknown and influential businesswoman, owner of a jewelry store, who inherits documents from her father, Cesar Montebello (Leopoldo Pacheco), that point to the location of a hidden fortune.

What Preciosa couldn’t imagine was that amidst the papers left by her father, there would be another revelation: the existence of a sister (Luna) with whom she would share her entire fortune, including the treasure that had yet to be found .

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Fuzue Soap opera replacing Vai na Fe reveals its first

Raphael Araujo

Degree in Journalism from the Faculdade Cásper Líbero. OFuxico was his first job as an intern and now as a reporter. She does a little bit of everything every day, but her favorite subjects are superheroes and other pop culture themes (tv series, movies, songs) and anything related to the LGBTQIA+ community.