G20 brings the business community together in India

G20 brings the business community together in India

The event, dubbed Business20, is the third of four B20 events being organized in the northeastern region of the populous South Asian country.

It is the G20’s official forum for engaging with the global business community and is one of the most prominent engagement groups in the forum.

Based on the discussions at the meetings, the final recommendations will form part of the expected overall results of the bloc of the world’s 20 largest economies under the Indian Presidency.

The G20 is an international forum of rulers and central bankers that discuss measures to promote international financial stability.

The group consists of Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, Spain (permanent guest), the United States, the United States, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico and the United Kingdom , Russia, South Africa and Turkey as well as the European Union.

The meeting includes meetings involving government officials, policy makers, business leaders, CEOs, representatives of multilateral organizations and local business people.

It will also offer visitors an experience of the culture, cuisine, heritage and natural beauty of Sikkim, a state in northern India bordering Bhutan, China and Nepal.

Sikkim is home to glaciers, alpine meadows and thousands of wildflower species, as well as steep trails leading to ancient Buddhist monasteries.
