G20 countries create BRL 74 billion fund for future pandemics

G20 countries create BRL 7.4 billion fund for future pandemics News

at major economies of the G20 announced this Sunday (13th) before their summit meeting in Indonesia that a 7.4 billion real ($1.4 billion) fund to prepare for future pandemicsa value considered insufficient by the host country of the meeting.

During a press conference, Indonesian President Joko Widodo stated that the fund, in which 24 countries participate, aims to “avoid and prepare for a pandemic”🇧🇷 “But that’s not it is enough,” explained Widodo, estimating the need at R$165 billion (US$31 billion).🇧🇷

“We have to make sure the community can withstand a pandemic. A pandemic cannot claim lives and sever the joints of the global economy,” he added.

O Fund was launched by the health and finance ministers of the G20 countriesin the presence of the Director General of WHO (World Health Organization)Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and World Bank President David Malpass.

It is seen as one of the rare developments expected at the G20 summit, which begins on Tuesday (15th) in the paradise island of Bali and is marked by deep divisions over the war in Ukraine.