Gabriel accuses Marvvila of voting at BBB 23: ‘running from responsibility’ Splash

Gabriel Santana did not accept Marvvila’s justification for his “discarded” voice on BBB 23 (Globo). Speaking to Sarah Aline and the singer, he interrupted his speech and said he disagreed.

  • Marvvila said she couldn’t think through the consequences of a vote “quickly enough”, claimed to be “stupid” and “can’t process the information quickly” and admitted her mistake.

gabriel: “I disagree, Marvvila. It has nothing to do with stupidity, it has to do with emotional intelligence. It wasn’t brain intelligence stupidity, it was a lack of emotional intelligence.”

He explained that the mistake was making a promise to pick Larissa for fourth place and not fulfilling it: “It also hurt like hell* for me, but I would do what I had to do to protect my group to rescue.”

From the moment you say you’re stupid, don’t take responsibility for being a thinking being who made promises and didn’t keep them. gabriel, to Marvila

BBB 23: Gabriel talks to Marvvila and Sarah Aline Image: Reproduction/Globo

Gabriel: “But you humiliate yourself further than necessary and run away from responsibility. You’re making a double mistake in this situation.”

Sarah Aline agreed, saying Marvvila relied on an ancient judgment about herself.

Sara: “The easy way today will be to think you’re stupid because it’s the way you already know. The path to taking responsibility is becoming more difficult.”

Discord game. Gabriel and Sarah Aline also figured they could bring Marvvila up for discussion in tonight’s game depending on the dynamic, but that their first option is Fred Desimpedidos.

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