Gabriela Duarte manages to leave Israel after hearing a rocket in the hotel: “Trip had been planned for years

Gabriela Duarte arrived in Prague this Monday

The actress Gabriela Duarte I was Israel on the morning of last Saturday the 7th, when the country was bombed by the extremist organization Hamas. She said on social media that she managed to leave the country on a plane bound for the Czech Republic in the early hours of Monday 9th. “We got a flight to Prague at 2:30 in the morning. We all arrived safely, thank you to everyone who supported us. “Everything went well, it was getting dark here,” he revealed. Gabriela previously explained that the trip had been planned for years and that she was taking her children to Israel so they could better understand the Jewish culture they inherited from their father. “The first rocket I heard came from the hotel I’m in at six in the morning. The situation is very complicated, very sad and very serious. It was a trip that had been planned for many years. My children are also a bit Jewish, right, my exhusband is Jewish. I really wanted to show this culture, this wonderful country. “I had to run to a bunker here in the hotel and the alarm sounded,” he revealed.