1682997534 GAFAM the five headed monster Books to think about Readers

GAFAM, the five-headed monster: Books to think about – Reader’s Digest Selection

Radar Gafam The five-headed monstereco-society spending
At a time when it’s difficult to position yourself with so many sources of information, we’ve stumbled across a whole new collection of books—particularly essays for teens and young adults—that we’ve loved: Radar.

Two books were initially published this spring to encourage young people to get to know and think about current and socially important topics. The first, GAFAM, the five-headed monster, offers a reflection on the giants that rule our society: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. Behind the ingenuity of their success and innovation, these companies rule the digital empire and invade our private lives. The author Philippe Gendreau, teacher, is himself a university lecturer in media ethics. It’s an instructive little book that paints a rather disturbing portrait of GAFAM through accessible but rigorous chapters. Though conceived for young people, this collection is read that will captivate free and inquisitive minds of all ages.

The second book in the collection, Committing to Friendship, takes a more heartwarming look at friendship and its importance in our lifelong journey. The author Camille Toffoli offers an excursion into the heart of friendship, without taboos, through testimonies and enriching reflections.

GAFAM, the five-headed monster, Philippe Gendreau, Radar Collection, Ecosociété Editions
Engage in Friendship, Camille Toffoli, Radar Collection, Écosociété Editions

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