Gagliasso describes depression after betrayal of Gio Ewbank Difficult phase

Gagliasso describes depression after betrayal of Gio Ewbank: “Difficult phase”

Actor Bruno Gagliasso spoke about the tricky time he was going through in his marriage to Giovanna Ewbank. The two split in 2012 due to a betrayal by the artist.

Bruno, who will be starring in Santo, a new Netflix production, said he was depressed over Giovanna’s divorce.

Color photograph by Bruno GagliassoBruno Gagliasso Lula Bolsonaro

Bruno GagliassoReproduction/Instagram

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Bruno Gagliasso reproduction

Advertisement from partner Metropoles 1Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno GagliassoGiovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliasso

Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliasso

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Bruno Gagliasso and Giovanna Ewbank Reprducao

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Bruno Gagliasso and Giovanna EwbankReproduction/Instagram

Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliasso with their childrenGiovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliasso with their children

Giovanna Ewbank, Bruno Gagliasso and their children, Titi, Bless and ZyanReproduction/ Instagram


“That was the most difficult phase of my life. I was depressed, I didn’t want to leave the house, I was ashamed. Part of who I am today as a man is because of what happened. That doesn’t mean I think it’s right,” he told Ela from the O Globo newspaper.

“We faced the truth and were certain that we wanted to be together. We’re not wrong. We discover that there is no such thing as perfection and that we are flesh and blood. But if I could go back, I didn’t want it to happen.”

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