Galicia offers employment and residency to Galician and expatriate descendants

Galicia offers employment and residency to Galician and expatriate descendants who wish to return

The Xunta de Galicia encourages Galicians and their descendants around the world, including Cubans with Spanish citizenship, to enroll in the Retorna Cualifica Emprego program.framed in the Estratexia Retorna Galicia of the Autonomous Community of Spain, in progress since last February.

According to the digital edition of Galicia in the World, The initiative has a budget of almost four million euros so that around 400 people living abroad can return to Galicia with an open-ended work contract and start-up assistance for installation amounting to 1,300 euros, in addition to the one-way ticket.

María Jesús Lorenzana, in charge of promoting employment and equality in Galicia, said the project has already been completed Fifty vacancies available and “the first workers arrive in Galicia”, mainly from South America.

The Galician government strives to fill vacancies with the staff available in this municipality.

Available for candidates There are commercial offers, engineers, formworkers, turners, coating layers, truck or bus mechanics, programmers, analysts, doctors, cooksamong other things.

It is required to access the program They must be between 18 and 50 years old, have Spanish citizenship, a valid Spanish passport and proof of family ties in Galicia.

Registration for the program is done through the website of the Venancio Salcines Foundation, one of the people involved in the Galician return program.

In Cuba, hundreds of people are descendants of Galicians and another unspecified number hopes to gain citizenship Democratic Memory Law, popularly known as the Grandchildren Law.

Cuba is the country where more new Spaniards were registered from the entry into force (October 19, 2022) of the new Law of the Democratic Memory of Spain.

The consulate in Havana has received 4,041 applications for citizenship, of which 1,970 had already been registered by the end of January.

About 160,833 people with Spanish nationality live in Cuba, with the island being the sixth country to have more Spanish nationals after the Iberian territory itself, the National Statistics Institute of Spain reported in a press release.

Eight Cuban families have recently arrived in a program similar to that in Galicia, but in Castile and León to the towns of Lubián, El Puente, Puebla de Sanabria and Toro, located in the municipality of Zamora in Spain. He Zamora Challenge Project offers selected candidates the opportunity to receive training appropriate to their position (with a permanent contract) both in their country of origin and after moving to Spain.

The Junta de Castilla y León covers the travel expenses of the workers and their families to Spain and provides them with a place of residence in the province. During the first three months, the local administration covers the cost of accommodation, including the accommodation deposit, and provides additional support to facilitate the full integration of the selected individuals and their families.

Reto Zamora is a project of the Junta de Castilla y León to establish people interested in working in the field of social services and their families in this province. The participants are Cuban-born and Spanish nationals and preferably descendants of emigrants from Zamora, although descendants of emigrants from other provinces of the same municipality may also participate.

Also, Members of three Cuban families moved to Palencia from the islanda municipality that also belongs to Castilla y León thanks to the Arraigo project, an initiative to combat depopulation in the region.