That gas price continues to decline and falls below pre-invasion levels Russia in Ukraine. A megawatt hour is currently being traded on the Amsterdam market, a reference for European sales, at 85 euros, down 7% from yesterday, bringing it back to pre-hostilities levels. Prices are being pushed lower by forecasts of 15 days of relatively mild weather in Europe compared to levels of Storage filling that remains at safety values. In addition, plenty of LNG is currently transported by ship to European hubs. It is wrong to attribute the decline to the upper price limit of over 180 euros agreed at European level.
Alexander NovakRussia’s deputy prime minister and energy minister said Moscow plans to divert its gas supplies from Europe to other regions of the world, although the European market remains “significant”. Novak, who also quantified the announced reduction in oil production Wladimir Putin Therefore, in response to the European price cap of 5,000 to 700,000 barrels per day, he said that production of hydrocarbons would be diverted to US marketsAsia PacificfromAfrica and fromLatin America. However, deliveries of Russian gas to Europe and especially to Germany have already fallen significantly as a result of the war.
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