1655722929 Gas rationing due to cuts from Russia what it means

Gas rationing due to cuts from Russia, what it means and what could happen

Gas rationing is only a hypothesis for the time being, but if the effects of cuts in gas supplies from Russia prove to be more serious than expected, this could also happen this autumn.

Gas rationing due to cuts from Russia what it means

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For now it’s just a hypothesis. But with bills already skyrocketing and cuts in gas supplies from Russia threatening to further worsen the situation, the possibility is being talked about gas rationing. Which in practice could mean temperature and time restrictions on the thermostat next fall. “We must start considering the possibility of rationing, which is a double-edged sword that must be used with extreme caution. However, it would be an important measure that will calm markets,” President Davide Tabarelli told Adnkronos. by Nomisma Energia.

Then to warn of the need to prepare for winter and adopt an aggressive, non-passive strategy. In short, be prepared for the worst-case scenario and continue to intervene in bills to protect the most vulnerable groups. The CEO of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, according to which our country’s treaty with Algeria will save us from rationing. Italy would thus have “the strength to find solutions” for the cuts in Russia’s Gazprom: “The Algerian gas it has more than doubled to 64 million cubic meters at the moment. We also have the tap, all longitudinals go to the maximum,” he guarantees.

The Minister for Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, for its part it is not unbalanced. It only ensures “that we have all countermeasures ready”. And once again: “We have to be quick, but not hasty. It’s been 24 hours since Russia announced a cut in supplies; stabilize the reasons for the reduction or if it is an event, an episode and on the basis of which appropriate decisions are then made.” In other words, it is too early to understand whether the reduction of the Gas supplies from Russia will continue in the long term and what impact this will have on the European energy market and our economies It will have to wait a little longer, but a number of decisions could be made as early as this week.