Gastronomy Brunch a little Sunday treat franceinfo

Gastronomy: Brunch, a little Sunday treat – franceinfo

Published on January 20, 2024 9:48 p.m

Video length: 4 min

Gastronomy: Brunch, a little Sunday treat -

Gastronomy: Brunch, a little Sunday pleasure Gastronomy: Brunch, a little Sunday pleasure – (France 2)

Freelance Russian journalist beaten up in Chechnya.svg

Article written by France 2 – M. Martel, M. Dreujou, E. Martin, A. Tribouart, C. Prum, O. Darmostoupe, G. Liaboeuf

France TV

The term brunch has been part of common usage in France for several years. It usually takes place on Sunday and can be shared with family or friends, at home or in a restaurant.

Do you prefer a sweet breakfast or a savory lunch? This is the dilemma of late risers on Sunday. But what's the point of choosing when you can do both thanks to brunch? The success that came from England 30 years ago cannot be denied. Since trying it, these friends can't live without it. There is homemade brunch almost every weekend. “We have fun with friends, there is something for everyone,” explains a fan of the practice.

Brunch in gourmet kitchens

With demand, restaurants specializing in brunch are multiplying. The dishes are 100% homemade and there is something for everyone. In a restaurant, unlimited refills cost 30 euros per person. Every Sunday, the restaurants specializing in brunch are regularly full. Brunch is also available in the most famous kitchens.

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