Gaza Hamas blocks escape gates closed The Israeli army is

Gaza, Hamas blocks escape: gates closed. The Israeli army is ready to invade the Gaza Strip

In words, they all seem to agree: there is no more time to open a humanitarian corridor through which they could leave Gaza Thousands of citizens are afraid of the bombs, of the arrival of the Israeli “land storm” and are practically used as human shields by the terrorists Hamas that hide missiles and missile launch pads and place them directly between civilians, schools, hospitals and places of worship. But behind the official statements there is no lack of distinctions and even conditions that make this evacuation plan impossible. Those of Egypt who would ask Israel for a ceasefire, even if this is not officially confirmed. And those of Hamas, which rejects any opening and thinks less about the fate of its own people and more about its own need to prevent a real mass exodus of the entire people stripes.


Cairo Initially, he said he was ready to open the Rafah border crossing south of the Gaza Strip, but only to allow the entry of fuel, medicine, goods and food, which is now running low following the Israeli-imposed blockade (which confirmed his intention). continue to maintain the embargo until the hostages are released). But the Egyptian government itself makes it clear that it has major reservations about opening the opposite lane, i.e. the exit from Gaza. In fact, Egyptian security services have warned ministries of the risk of a mass exodus to the peninsula Sinai. Where, among other things, there are already many refugees. But the pressure of these last hours has become much greater, and yesterday Cairo announced through a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that “the border crossing has never been closed since the beginning of the current crisis and is therefore open to visitors traffic”, but is currently unusable , because “the structures on the Palestinian side were destroyed by Israeli bombing.” And that’s why he asks the Jewish state not to target this area. This surge of responsibility highlights the difficulties in reaching a quick solution to the problem while negotiations continue, something Hamas itself confirms Ghazi Hamad, a prominent figure in the Islamic organization, interviewed by al Jazeera. In fact, it hinders the possibility for civilians to seek safety from the impending ground operation announced by the Israeli army: “No to the humanitarian corridor, because it would be a permanent exodus,” said the militias, “it would force. “that the Palestinian people are leaving their homeland.” Obviously, it is better to use civilians as human shields.

War Israel, the elite Hamas unit that invaded the country, was bombed: the Nukhba fighters had to set up ambushes and take hostages


As we try to climb out of the quagmire, the number of displaced people is growing. The number of people leaving their homes was 340,000, 75,000 more than the previous day. In addition to the air strikes, what is pushing them to safer places is the imminent start of the ground operations constant warnings from the Israeli army. After “roof knocking,” the lighter bombs the air force dropped on the roofs of buildings to warn of the arrival of a much larger operation and to warn the building’s residents, Israeli military strategists carried out an attack on the television station yesterday Al-Aqsa, owned by the Islamic organization, interrupts broadcasts to start a new call. “Hamas has destroyed the Gaza Strip and moved its leaders to safe places,” a voice said, apparently in Arabic. “Protect yourself now: you must evacuate your homes and go to safer places because the blow will be fatal.”

Continuous raids

The hammering from the sky continues and knows no end. On the fifth night after the attack and the horrors of the Hamas butchers – for which they had been preparing for two years – the Gaza Strip became even more spooky after the only power plant that supplies electricity to all inhabited centers was switched off, revealing the devastation in all its manifestations. The number of destroyed buildings exceeds thousands, and the rubble of the buildings is everywhere. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, the death toll would be 1,400, including over 400 children or minors and 250 women.

According to the Israeli army, the number of targets hit is now over 3,600 and the number of bombs dropped is over six thousand. In practice, 4,000 tons of explosives were thrown onto the ground. And along the 41-kilometer-long border, tanks and armored vehicles continue to be stationed; troops, infantry, armored units, artillery corps and reservists are deployed who have arrived from different parts of the world and number a total of around 300,000 men. The storm seems to be getting closer and closer.

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