Gaza live Israel interrupts peace talks and withdraws Mossad employees

Gaza, live Israel interrupts peace talks and withdraws Mossad employees from Qatar: "Hamas did not respect the hostage agreements"

December 2, 2023 3:05 p.m

Macron: “To eliminate Hamas, Israel risks ten years of war”

The goal of the “total destruction of Hamas” must be “clarified” by Israel, as it risks triggering “ten years” of war. This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron. “The total destruction of Hamas, what is that? Does anyone think this is possible? If so, the war will last ten years, and I don’t think anyone knows how to seriously define this goal. Therefore, this objective must be clarified,” Macron said from Dubai, adding that “the good fight against terrorism is not systematic and sustained bombing.”

December 2, 2023 3:04 p.m

WP: “The US has called on Israel to change its strategy in Gaza”

As fighting in Gaza subsided, the United States pressured Israel to change strategy, saying that if the new operations resulted in the killing of many civilians, it would represent Israel’s rejection of the American position. The Washington Post writes it. Despite the change in message and tone, outside observers and Middle East experts say it is unclear whether the Biden administration is prepared to distance itself or break with Israel if it rejects American admonitions and launches a devastating new airstrike.

December 2, 2023 3:03 p.m

The first 50 aid trucks have entered the Gaza Strip since the end of hostilities

The first 50 trucks carrying humanitarian aid since hostilities resumed have entered the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. This was reported by the Palestinian Red Crescent, quoted by BBC and CNN. The latter found out about this on site.

December 2, 2023 1:57 p.m

The negotiations are at a standstill, Israel is withdrawing Mossad employees from Qatar

“Given the impasse in negotiations, Mossad chief David Barnea, on the instructions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has ordered his staff to return from Doha,” an official statement said. “The terrorist organization Hamas – the statement continues – has not fulfilled its part of the agreement, which provided for the release of women and children according to a list forwarded to Hamas and approved by that organization.” “The head of the Mossad thanks the head of the CIA , the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence and the Prime Minister of Qatar – we read again in the statement – ​​for their participation in the enormous mediation efforts that made possible the liberation from Gaza of 84 “children and women as well as 24 foreign citizens”.

December 2, 2023 12:42 p.m

Sea and air attack on Khan Younis

The Khan Yunis area in southern Gaza was the target of intense bombing last night. According to local sources, the air force attacked buildings in the city, while artillery fired in parallel on the agricultural area of ​​Karara near the border with Israel, and the navy opened fire on targets on the coast of nearby Deir el-Balla. Meanwhile, the military spokesman issued immediate evacuation orders in Arabic for residents of Khan Yunis and Deir el-Ballah districts. The order is to advance south towards the Muwassi dunes and the border town of Rafah. In Khan Yunis, the military spokesman reported, the air force hit 50 targets last night. He added that the navy had “attacked Hamas military targets with high-precision ammunition” in Deir el-Ballah. In addition, infrastructure used by Hamas naval forces was hit. Military radio noted that Israel is currently operating in the area and firing from a distance. According to the broadcaster, these are preparatory operations with a view to a possible deployment of ground troops.

December 2, 2023 12:42 p.m

USA: “Israel will allow limited aid to Gaza”

The United States expects Israel to begin flowing some aid back to the area after blocking aid on Friday following the end of the ceasefire. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said this – reports the Guardian – and stressed that at Washington’s request they would allow some aid to enter the country. But he added that it would be a significantly limited influx compared to the hundreds of trucks per day that entered Gaza during the seven-day lull in fighting: it could now be “dozens against hundreds” during the ceasefire. The United States – he concluded – will continue to push to increase aid to Gaza at least to the level of goods received during the pause.

December 2, 2023, 12:40 p.m

Erdogan: “Hamas is a necessary interlocutor for peace”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again strongly condemned the Israeli government and army for the “massacre” they are carrying out on the population of Gaza, and subsequently stated that he does not recognize the Islamist movement Hamas at the head of the enclave as terrorist association and even sees the organization as an important interlocutor for a possible peace solution in the region. “Israelis who were victims of genocide have now become murderers of their ancestors,” Erdogan said before speaking about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The massacre carried out by his government in Gaza remained a black mark in history, and the countries that unconditionally supported him were also tainted,” he said in statements carried by Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency. Erdogan said he hoped the International Criminal Court would “prosecute these Gaza “butchers” who were caught red-handed and impose “the necessary penalties against them, especially Netanyahu.” The Turkish president once again offered himself as a possible mediator for a peace agreement for both Gaza and the entire region, but stressed that Hamas must be part of these talks. “The Gaza issue cannot be discussed without a two-state solution,” said Erdogan, referring to the historic roadmap that envisages the coexistence of a Palestinian and an Israeli state, but pointed out that “Hamas” is benefiting from this The plan has to be ruled out “is not a realistic scenario. “I remain in the same position as always,” he emphasized, “I don’t care what others say: I cannot accept Hamas as a terrorist organization.”

December 2, 2023 12:36 p.m

Doctors Without Borders: “Israel attacked one of our convoys on November 18th”

“All elements indicate that the Israeli army is responsible for the attack” on a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) convoy in Gaza on November 18, in which two people died: the humanitarian organization itself wrote this in a statement today , which is also attached photos and videos. “On November 18, 2023, a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) evacuation convoy was attacked in Gaza City. Two people were killed in an apparent deliberate attack on Doctors Without Borders vehicles bearing the organization’s prominent symbol. Both victims were family members of MSF workers, one of whom was also a volunteer supporting the medical operation at Al Shifa Hospital. Two weeks later, after collecting the testimonies of the personnel present in the convoy that day, MSF believes that all elements point to the Israeli army being responsible for this attack. MSF has demanded a formal statement from the Israeli authorities and an independent investigation to establish the facts and responsibilities.” In addition, MSF also collected witness statements about the destruction of five of its vehicles on November 20 and the severe damage to its clinic in Gaza -City, all of which (vehicles and structure) were clearly identified by the organization’s logo. “Doctors Without Borders again and strongly condemns the attack on their convoy and once again expresses its condolences to the families of the victims,” writes Doctors Without Borders.

December 2, 2023 12:35 p.m

Israel: “400 targets hit since end of ceasefire”

The Israeli military said today it has struck more than 400 “terrorist targets” in the Gaza Strip since the end of the lull in fighting with Hamas. Air, sea and ground troops were involved, it is said, and warplanes hit “more than 50 targets in a major attack in the Khan Yunis area” in the south of the territory

December 2, 2023 12:35 p.m

Hamas: “240 Palestinians dead since end of ceasefire”

The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip said today that 240 people have been killed in Palestinian territory since the end of the ceasefire. Another 650 people were injured in “hundreds of airstrikes, artillery and naval strikes throughout the Gaza Strip,” it said in a statement, adding that Israeli forces “particularly targeted Khan Yunis, where dozens of houses were destroyed.”