Gaza live London and Berlin are asking for one quotarmisticequot

Gaza, live London and Berlin are asking for one "armistice". Israel discovers a huge tunnel system near the Erez border crossing

December 17, 2023 5:34 p.m

The discovered tunnels are 4 km long

The tunnel system was recently demonstrated to the Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant. “Hamas – said the military spokesman Richard Hecht – has deliberately and persistently invested enormous amounts of money and resources in terror tunnels that serve only one purpose: to attack Israel and its people. This network of strategic tunnels, wide enough for the passage of vehicles, was directed by Muhammad Sinwar and deliberately dug near a passage dedicated to the migration of Gaza citizens to Israel for work and medical care.” “For Hamas – he added – continues to prioritize the attack on the Israeli people over supporting the people of Gaza.” The Erez crossing is – in non-war times – the most important exit and entry point from Gaza to Israel: In 2022, it is estimated that around 800,000 Gazans will pass through the pass.

December 17, 2023 4:14 p.m

“Huge tunnel system” discovered near Erez Junction

Israel has discovered near the Erez border crossing in the north of the strip a “vast tunnel system, divided into different branches with an extension of over 4 kilometers, just 400 meters from the crossing itself and a depth of 50 meters underground “. The army said the system was the result of “a project led by Muhammad Sinwar, brother of Yahya Sinwar.” The tunnel system — which played a role in the Oct. 7 attack — “is wide enough for a vehicle” and is equipped with electrical and sewage systems as well as armored doors to block access.

December 17, 2023, 2:33 p.m

A meeting took place between the head of the Mossad and the Prime Minister of Qatar

The meeting took place between David Barneathe director of Mossad, and the Prime Minister of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thanito further discuss the issue of publication hostages. This was confirmed by CNN sources after the Wall Street Journal wrote yesterday that the meeting would take place today OsloIn Norway.
The meeting came after another trip Barnea was scheduled to make to Doha this week was canceled by the Israeli government. Last Thursday, an Israeli source said that the war cabinet had only taken into account “the conditions.” they were Right”to continue i negotiations, which the United States and Qatar continued to try to revive. According to the CNN source, the killing was accidental by Israeli forces three hostages who had managed to free themselves in Gaza, he emphasized the urgency of the talks that took place in Oslo.

December 17, 2023, 2:13 p.m

Break-in at the holiday home of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

Israeli troops they did Burglary in the command of the “Khan Yunis” battalion and in the holiday homes of numerous high-ranking Ha officialsMincluding that of the leader of the Islamic faction Yahya Sinwar, which there hasn't been any news about for some time. The military spokesman announced this, adding that “weapons and tunnels were found in these houses.”
The army then confirmed that troops were fighting Hamas in the area khan Yunis, in the north of the strip, is considered a stronghold of the Palestinian faction. The soldiers – he continued – also reached the main square of Bani Suheila, not far from Khan Yunis. During the operations – he explained – the soldiers “killed many terrorists” and the entrances to about 30 tunnelsand intelligence material.

December 17, 2023 1:21 p.m

Israel: Kerem Shalom border crossing open

Humanitarian aid trucks entered the Gaza Strip for the first time via the Israeli border crossing at Kerem Shalom. This was announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office. Israel recently decided to reopen the border crossing, also as part of talks about the progression of the war with the United States. Until now, the border crossing only functioned as a control center for trucks that came from the southernmost Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza and had to take a long time to return.

December 17, 2023, 12:46 p.m

More rocket fire on the border with Lebanon

Tensions on Israel's northern border show no sign of abating. After the rockets were fired from Lebanon towards Kibbutz Sasa and the village of Arab al-Aramshe in the north of the country, Israel Hit pages of the Hezbollah beyond the border. This was announced by the military spokesman. Rockets from Lebanon caused some damage but no casualties.

December 17, 2023, 12:11 p.m

WHO: “The emergency room at Shifa Hospital is a bloodbath”

The emergency roomal-Shifa Hospitalthe largest in the north GazaIt is a Bloodbath“ and the structure “must be revived,” warned theWorld Health Organization. The WHO, quoted by the Guardian, said that “tens of thousands of displaced people are using the hospital building and grounds for shelter” and that there is “a serious shortage” of it drinking water And Eat. Operating rooms were unable to function due to a lack of fuel, oxygen and other supplies, the organization said, citing “hundreds of injuries.”

One of the WHO teams delivered medical supplies to the hospital, the largest in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday. Along with other UN agencies, it described the emergency room as “a bloodbath with hundreds of injured patients and new patients arriving.” every minutes. Patients arrived with traumatic injuries sewn to the floor and none are available in the hospital Pain therapy“.

December 17, 2023 11:50 am

Netanyahu: “The families of the fallen ask to continue the war”

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – during the government meeting in Tel Aviv – announced that “he had received one letter for dozens Families of the fallen“, which reiterates the desire to continue the war. “The heroic civilians and soldiers are determined – says the letter published by Netanyahu – to achieve total victory. This is the testament of the fallen and our commitment to the living.” For this reason, Netanyahu reiterated that Israel “He will fight until the end “with the aim of eliminating Hamas, releasing the hostages and ensuring that Gaza is no longer a center of terrorism, incitement and attacks against Israel.”

December 17, 2023 11:28 am

Telephone and internet outages continue to occur in Gaza

Go on blackout the communication Calls and gods Internet services To Gaza in the longest time since the start of the war. Various media reported about it. The Strip's two largest companies, Paltel And Jawallrecently announced the end of church services “due to Israeli aggression” on the Palestinian enclave Thursday afternoon and it has continued like this ever since the interruption. US sources quoted by American media stressed the “extreme necessity” for the restoration of service, including in light of Israel's attempt to reduce civilian casualties, they added.

December 17, 2023 10:27 am

London and Berlin call for a “sustainable ceasefire”

The foreign ministers of Great Britain and from Germany, David Cameron And Annalena Baerbockthey asked for a “armistice “Sustainable” with regard to the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the immediate implementation of a mechanism to ensure lasting peace in the Middle East. “Our goal cannot simply be to end the fighting today. It has to be one Peace that takes days, Years, generations. We are therefore in favor of a ceasefire, but only if it is sustainable,” the two ministers said in a joint statement published in the Sunday Times. Cameron and Baerbock warned Israel: “He won't win this war whether its operations will destroy the prospects of peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians. Israel, the ministers emphasized, “has the right to do so eliminate the threat represented by Hamas, but too many civilians have already been killed.”