Gaza Metro Secret labyrinth used by Hamas terrorists with

“Gaza Metro : Secret labyrinth used by Hamas terrorists, with dormitories and even bathrooms G1

The network of underground tunnels is one of Hamas’ strategies in Gaza

Beneath life in Gaza lies a vast secret labyrinth, up to 30 meters deep.

It is an extensive network of bunkers to which the civilian population does not have access to protect themselves. The operation is reserved exclusively for terrorists from the Hamas group.

The exact size of the socalled “Gaza Metro” is unknown. According to Hamas, there are almost 500 kilometers of underground tunnels in Gaza, almost five times the size of the São Paulo subway, which has around 105 kilometers of tracks (see video report above).

But how could so much tunnel fit into an area that is only 40 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide?

Harel Chorev, professor and historian at Tel Aviv University, a scholar of Middle East and Palestine affairs does not believe that the data published by the terrorist group is true.

“I think it’s probably about 100 kilometers or less, but it’s still significant because it’s a city beneath the city.”

Political scientist André Lajst points out: “Hamas may have built tunnels that are on top of each other, and then they have a depth where they have multiple tunnels that occupy the same space in the vertical direction.” They could have three floors, for example with tunnels.”

1 of 2 The Gaza Strip is 40 km long and 10 km wide Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo The Gaza Strip is 40 km long and 10 km wide Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

Experts say the network of galleries among the Palestinians has an elaborate and expensive infrastructure. According to Professor Chorev, there are dormitories, bathrooms and everything you need for a long stay.

“There are many large rooms with communication systems, air conditioning and strategic points such as trap doors for launching missiles.”

In addition, the subway network would have dozens of access points from civilian buildings such as churches, schools, mosques and residents’ houses.

“The main civilian building they use is Shifa, the central hospital in Gaza. Below is Hamas’s main command and the place where its leaders should be,” the professor added.

2 of 2 Hamas says underground tunnels in Gaza are almost 500 km long Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Hamas says underground tunnels in Gaza are almost 500 km long Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

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