The Pope prays for war refugees in Ukrainian and Russian

Gb, Tory MP turns out to be trans and abused politics

Conservative MP Jamie Wallis revealed on his Twitter profile that he was transgender and had a history of extortion and rape. The MP explained in his “outing” that he suffers from gender dysphoria and said: “I felt like this very young child.”

Wallis, 37, who was elected to the Welsh College of Bridgend in 2019, told of a series of abuses he suffered including being raped by a man he met online. His bold gesture garnered broad support from his party. Starting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who praised him for telling a “very intimate story which will no doubt be of great help to others”.

Words that came after the Prime Minister made a joke about the issue of gender identity during a meeting with Tory MPs last night. According to media reports, Johnson is said to have said, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, or as Keir Starmer would say, people who are assigned the male or female gender at birth,” addressing the Labor opposition leader and his endorsement by LGBT groups. .



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