Gemma Galgani As A Young Man She Driven Everyone Insane

Gemma Galgani As A Young Man She Driven Everyone Insane: You Will Be Breathless To Watch Solo Show

Gemma Galgani today – Solopettacolo

We know her thanks to television, where she has been present for more than a decade. But what was Gemma Galgani like when she was young? let’s find out

Undisputed star face of men and women, Gemma Galgani has always been sitting on the women’s parterre looking for love.

Fans of the dating show who haven’t missed an episode vividly remember the Turin native’s arrival at the studio in 2010. Quite differently than we see her today.

In fact, we met one then jewel more romantic, with long floral dresses, flat shoes, and little attention to hair and makeup, but much more to the content. real and truer. Then the change.

We could almost assign a date to the woman’s life, a “before Giorgio and after Giorgio”. Ever since he came into her life George Manetti it has never been the same. From 2015, away from the ballerinas and on high heels, away from the long bonton dresses and romantic sweaters, giving way to narrow skirts, slits and necklines that emphasize the renewed breasts. Because she didn’t miss anything Jewel, to be more attractive after losing the love of the “Seagull” who flew away due to his behavior that only those who watch the show can understand.

The search for love

In the years Gemma Galgani has undergone a real transformation that began with attending Selfie things are changing in 2016, where her teeth were reinserted. Since then, we’ve seen a rejuvenated woman who has always denied having had surgery, even when her TV nemesis was there Tina Cipollaticommentator on the Marian show, she pointed out that the lips look much more defined.

But jewel denies, admits only one breast operation, for which she was heavily criticized. For his explanation of this, further New TV: “I was devastated by the many sentimental disappointments and so the idea of ​​a new physical enhancement, a change that could also make me more secure on an emotional level, was starting to annoy me. “It might be acceptable at 30-40 years old, not with 71 played.

Young Gemma Galgani-Solospettacolo (web photo)

Gemma Galgani as a young man

And considering that we might not have seen them at all, Gemma Galgani, if he had taken the life he wanted. He said Men’s and women’s magazine who at the time, after leaving school, expressed the wish to remain at the college as a postulant or to become a nun. But her father first offers her a vacation for reflection, telling her, “When you come back, you’re going to pack your miserable suitcase with a few things and go and start your life as a postulant.” Of course, you’ll have a hard time getting on your inseparable bangs to renounce. A nun with fringes outside her veil has never been seen.” That was enough to change her mind. Why jewel always worn pony with which we see it today.

But have you ever seen a picture of him as a young man? She was definitely a beautiful woman who could have found true love if she wanted to.