The hypothesis that Ukraine may become the new Vietnam or the new Afghanistan for Russia is becoming more and more concrete every day. President Vladimir Putinhe probably did not think that the conflict could last so long, underestimating the persistent defense of the Ukrainian people, which it seems is destroyingrussian army. General Carlo Jean, a strategy expert, lecturer and columnist, expressed his concerns in the newspaper Il Sussidiario. “The Russian army,” he said, “was never designed for a prolonged war against urban combat, but was organized for possible open field conflicts, hence the large number of armored vehicles available, while the infantry could field a limited number of men.”
This would be the main reason for a change in Putin’s strategy, who, without winning battles with soldiers city by city, decided to bomb civilians also indiscriminately, trying to cause terror and force Ukrainians to surrender. The same system has been used in Chechnya and Georgia, and in Kiev and other Ukrainian centers, supermarkets and other targets visited by civilians have been bombed in recent days, escalating violence that is putting the indigenous population to the test. According to General Jean, the Russian army is not organized for neighborly guerrillas. “Putin’s soldiers,” he explained, “were trained for a possible war with NATO, a conflict in the open field, and not in urban centers. It is no coincidence that the number of infantry units is rather limited while the gods are not tanks and armored vehicles in general .
Russia’s goal is to seize the entire coast to unite the territories from Odessa to Donbass into a single Russian bloc, but the road appears to be uphill due to strong Ukrainian resistance. This irritated Putin, who has already deleted two from his posts commanders Of the General Staff of the Polish Army. It has been rumored in the past few hours that Russia is using it chemical weapon and biological, but General Jean does not seem to believe the possibility. “I would rule it out,” he said, “they are unmanageable, and given the winds blowing in Ukraine, it would be a suicide target.”