Gentlemen dont vote for QS The Journal de Montreal

Gentlemen, don’t vote for QS! – The Journal de Montreal

Do you know the story of the scorpion that drowned because it stung a frog that was carrying it on its back in the middle of the river?

“I knew if I bit the frog I would drown, but I bit it anyway because it’s in my nature,” he said before sinking.

Well, this is Québec Solidaire.

Every time we think this party is going to refocus on collecting votes, it makes a decision that pushes it to the sidelines!

What do you want, it is in the nature of solidarity.

They hate power so much that they will do anything to escape it.

What is a woman?

So this weekend the Woke Party decided to exclude all male candidates from the next by-election.

We will only feature women and “non-binary” people!

Yes indeed!

Uh, sorry: Yes, ma’am!

But as a friend asked me this weekend: What is a woman’s definition of QS?

Could a person who looks like Laurent Duvernay-Tardif imagine themselves if “deep down” they felt like they were a woman?

Could a man dressed as a woman be considered a woman?

Could a woman imagine herself feeling like a man, considering she has all the physical attributes of a woman?

And why should QS accept non-binary people but not Two Minds?

Being “neither” is good, but not “being both”?

And why should we choose a straight woman over a gay man?

It seems to me that a man who likes men is more marginal than a woman who likes men, right?

And if QS members had the choice between a lesbian and a bisexual woman, which candidate would they choose?

Between a bohemian woman who owns a condominium on the plateau and a worker who lives in a basement in Verdun?

Oh dear, it’s not easy being intersectional…

And wait, it’s nothing, I didn’t include race and religion in the portrait!

Why would QS choose a straight white woman over a gay African Muslim?

This will be colonialism!

Down with the patriarchy!

Nevertheless, I find QS’s decision honorable.

And that’s why I ask all men in Quebec, even those who are to the left of the left camp, not to vote for QS in the next elections!

Let women vote!

Let women express themselves!

Why should men vote?

We’ve had enough of patriarchy!

Imagine if tomorrow only non-binary people voted for QS! That would be great!

Of course you would have a bad score, but that doesn’t matter!

Since when does the left want to be in power?

The most important thing is to be right!

And then an election is a competition! It’s capitalist!

Are elections taking place in Iran? No, there isn’t one!

Democracy is a western concept that white people are forcing on the entire planet!

At QS we stand AGAINST democracy!

And that’s why the party refuses to let half of Quebec’s population run under its banner!

That means doing politics differently!

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain