As per tradition, the Sanremo Festival once again dominated the Italian media this year: from midnight on Tuesday 6th to 12pm on Monday 12th February, the entry “Sanremo Festival” received record mentions in the national and local media. An explanation must also be sought in the controversies that the musical event sparked. Particularly much has been said about the Geolier case, which yesterday also stimulated the exchange of opinions on Prima di Tomorrow, the in-depth journalistic program directed by Bianca Berlinguer. Myrta Merlino, a guest in the studio, wanted to defend the rapper: “On social media there were thousands of negative messages against Geolier just because he sang in Neapolitan,” she said.
Also read: Sanremo 2024, Myrta Merlino blurts out: “Shame on her”, who is targeting her?
The presenter of Pomeriggio Cinque did not hold back and immediately added: “As if it were a mistake to sing in Neapolitan.” “In reality, Neapolitan is a universal language,” added the journalist, “my grandmother told me that De Filippo went to London to perform plays in Neapolitan, and the theater applauded.” After some of those present in the room booed the boy in the competition, Merlino had used strong words, in Neapolitan, but is booed for being Neapolitan . It’s a shame for the audience.”