George Ciupilan asks Charlie Gnocchi and Luca Salatino Big Brother

George Ciupilan asks Charlie Gnocchi and Luca Salatino Big Brother VIP for clarification

As usual, yesterday’s nominations caused dissatisfaction among some Vippons.

Secluded in the room flower power, charlie and George They decide to clear up the hatred that has been permeating them for weeks.

George claims to have named him because the comedian had claimed during the first few days inside the house that the TikToker was too young to express thoughts on important subjects like love. These remarks have made George want to distance himself from his partner, which can almost be avoided even at home.

Yesterday, during nomination time, George calls Charlie and Charlie asks for a confrontation. George explains that the decision to step away from VIP stems from Charlie’s accusations that he questioned his maturity.

The comedian apologizes for these allegations, which may have been dictated by the heat of the moment. Charlie had said that you have to live in certain situations to give advice, but today, speaking to George, he regrets saying that. The comedian continues to apologize for his comments and apologizes to the VIP if he didn’t go straight to him to address the speech and clear up the misunderstandings.

This morning, the two seem to have resolved their tension and the two are content with their confrontation.

Immediately after confronting Charlie, George asks to speak to his adventure partner Luke.

The chef admits to having secretly chosen him to be the confessional because he sees the VIP as a distanced attitude from the group.

Luca wants his partner to open up more, connect with more members of the house, and not stop laughing and joking with the same people all the time.

Underneath the names, the chef says he’s the one he hasn’t bonded with lately, “Shut up,” the young TikToker advises, and George says he’d rather isolate himself than argue at times.

In this case too, the VIP is happy to have had a confrontation with Luca. Will he take the advice to open up more to the group, or will he maintain his somewhat lonely attitude?