George Santos congressman of Brazilian descent survives vote and remains

George Santos “is not trustworthy and used his run for U.S. House of Representatives to profit, committee concludes G1

1 of 1 George Santos, US Congressman of Brazilian origin, on October 27, 2023 — Photo: Eduardo Munoz/Portal George Santos, US Congressman of Brazilian origin, on October 27, 2023 — Photo: Eduardo Munoz/Portal

U.S. Rep. George Santos, the son of Brazilian parents, “is not trustworthy” and used his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives to profit from it, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. House Ethics Committee (16).

The report, which has already been submitted to the US courts, still accuses Santos of “overwhelming evidence” of violating federal law through fraud, credit card theft and lying to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

He denies the allegations, but announced after the report’s release that he would not run for office.

George Santos made up several stories during his 2020 campaign. At the end of last month he was formally charged in court with 23 criminal offenses, arrested and ordered to pay bail in order to be able to speak freely at the trial.

These allegations include:

  • money laundering to use campaign funds for personal expenses;
  • have received money from unemployment insurance illegally;
  • Taking money from campaign donors’ credit cards without their permission.

Santos, a New York state representative, is also accused of falsely telling the Federal Election Commission that he had invested $500,000 in his campaign, when in fact he had given nothing and had less than $8,000 on the books Bank had.

The fake loan was an attempt to convince Republican Party officials that he was a serious candidate deserving of their financial support, the indictment says.

The new report of the Chamber’s Ethics Committee, published this Thursday (16), is likely to prompt the other deputies to vote again and now agree to the expulsion of George Santos.

The American judiciary officially accuses Congressman George Santos of having committed four crimes