Geraldine Bazan denounces theft by an Uber driver what happened

Geraldine Bazán denounces theft by an Uber driver, what happened?

No one is safe from crime, and that includes celebrities, because Geraldine Bazan He was the youngest victim and therefore denounced it.

The actress took to her social media to report it suffered a robbery by a service platform driver above.

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As well as telling what happened, the star asked for help in order to be able to help Retrieve your items stolen, which he did not specify which they were.

Through her Instagram account, the celebrity asked for help from the Uber site, where she also shared how the events happened.

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Geraldine Bazán denounces robbery. IG @geraldinebazan

Bazán assures that the driver received the items he had to send to the recipient canceled the trip and nothing more was heard of it.

“Friends of Uber, I need your urgent help. The driver received a package to be shipped, received it, started the journey with my belongings in his possession and canceled immediately afterwards,” he wrote.

He also reported that he tried to contact the popular Uber travel app, but so far failedor get an answer.

“I’ve already tried to get in touch through the application with no success. Please, I need my stuff, it’s vital to my work,” he added.

In addition, the actress reiterated that she didn’t give her an answer and that she was desperate because they were things she was working on in the new production of “Crown of Hope”.

This would be the second episode of “crown of tears‘, where he will participate with Victoria Ruffo.
