German politicians say goodbye to Schauble

German politicians say goodbye to Schäuble

Top German politicians and relatives will say goodbye to the late CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble in Offenburg on Friday. Baden's state bishop Heike Springhart leads the publicly broadcast funeral service in the city's Protestant church. The announced speakers are Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) and CDU Federal President Friedrich Merz, as well as Schäuble's daughter, ARD program director Christine Strobl.

Schäuble died on St. Stephen's Day, aged 81, after a long and serious illness. After the religious service, a military tribute is planned in front of the church. The funeral procession will then travel a distance of around one kilometer to the Waldbach cemetery.

Political Berlin will say goodbye to the former president and minister of the German Bundestag on January 22nd. On this day, the Bundestag will host the state mourning ceremony ordered by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in the plenary hall of the Reichstag building. French President Emmanuel Macron wants to participate in the state mourning ceremony. This was confirmed by the Élysée Palace. Who participates from Austria is still unknown.