1658326219 Germany also affected by drought Some municipalities have to limit

Germany also affected by drought: Some municipalities have to limit water consumption

even there Germany fights with that defect of water. The situation is becoming more and more dramatic: the periods of drought are longer, agriculture and industry compete for water sources with citizenship. A year ago, the President of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), Armin Schusterhad suggested prudent use of water after several localities were in summer stayed dry. Drinking water is obtained in the Federal Republic of Germany for the 62% out Sources phreaticfor the 30% out Sources superficial and for them8th% out Sources, but the percentages differ from region to region. So clean Hesse, Rhineland Palatinate and Saarland 72% to 100% of water is taken from underground groundwater sources, which are no longer growing due to the high demand in summer regenerate. in the North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony stop, 40 to 60% comes from surface basins (i.e. dams, rivers, lakes) from which it is purified. In the south, on the other hand, the spring water covers about 22%, but even here it is a scarce commodity. Although precipitation has increased by 25% since 1950, rainwater has increased, according to the National Meteorological Office does not replenish the aquifer and through culverts it mostly ends On the sea.

Several municipalities must therefore now restrict use water, drill new wells to fish it deeper because it’s dirty nitrates, or transporting it kilometers by pipeline to at least extract it from the rivers for agricultural use, at a higher cost to the entire population. For example a Koenigstein in the Taunusoutside of Frankfurt, drinking water can no longer be used water plant or fill swimming pool. TO Starnbergin Bavaria, is rationed to industry and the local brewery, which does not have its own spring, has halved production: Instead of 200,000 hl of water a year, it can only use water a quarter. TO mountain homea town with around 3,000 inhabitants in Bavarian Franconia, the wells of the waterworks are no longer supplying enough water and what is there has to be mixed with other things to lower the level nitrates due to groundwater pollution agricultural fertilizers and from sewage from farms.

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Nitrate infiltration is a very serious problem that is added defect water. It was directed by Petershagenin North Rhine-Westphalia, up to the area of large kneadingin Lower Saxony, where they are already due shut down different Sources for exceeding the threshold of 50mg/l. Appropriate desalination plants would be required, which would double prices, but we are now overdue. The Ministry of the Environment is called upon to submit one to the Cabinet of Ministers national strategy for water by the end of the year. In addition to dealing with the shortage, the country is actually in danger penalties in the millions outEU for not being able to remedy the situation for thirty years, especially in north-west Germany to the pollution of flapdespite many legislative interventions.

Three dry summers from 2018 to 2020 have already brought this to light the urgency the work of hydrogeologists to calculate where to open new wellsas well as to design engineering offices sewage treatment plants and also the recovery of rainwater, which is an absolute must growing needs also because of the demographic increase. In the Frankfurt basin, for example, more and more people need more water and a system is to obtain this from a collecting water basin using special cleaning membranes rainwater from the streets of the surrounding towns. But it’s a race against time, with temperatures which will also be available to touch in Germany this week 40 degrees.

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The data of Grace satellites The Canadian Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS), the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the German German Aerospace Center (DLR) show that Germany is losing 2.5 cubic kilometers out fresh water per year. At this rate he will have lost as much as them in 20 years Lake Constance. The big culprits according to the Federal Association of Energy and Waste Management (BDEW) are not Familys: while they used on average 147 liters per year 1990, only use today thanks to more attention and better equipment 127. The culprits are 80% there food production and industrial. A study by the Technical University of Berlin on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency calculates that this increases the so-called “water footprint” of Germans per capita to 7,200 liters per day. To reduce it, more industry awareness and commitment and better are needed systems out irrigationalong with recovery technologies sewage and more green spaces, such as in the World Water Report of theUNESCO. Even more so when you think about it 2.5% the water of the planet is potable and of it the 68.9% frozen and only it 0.3% can be reached on the surface.

Arrogance triggers everything heating of climate that due to the delays in the policy, experts are moving towards i 3 degrees in ten yearsrather than stopping at the 1.5 threshold. Even though Olaf Scholz Monday at the meeting in Berlin from Petersberg Climate Dialogue with the representatives of around forty states, flanked by the foreign minister Annalena bear buckassured that Germany will reach i climate targets hired and doesn’t want to go back MoneyThe fact is that in 2022 as a result of sanctions In the Russiathe latter begins to be most important source of energy still increasing emissions from CO2. This despite the expansion of alternative sources. According to the BWE (Bund Verband Windenergie), wind power is still 20% behind the plans of the coalition. They complain that more permits and faster permits are needed, even to bring the material to construction sites. if im 2019 they had built facilities for 2,092 megawatt2020 for 3,055 and 2021 for 4,199, in the first half of this year it is tight for BWE for the time being 1,536 MW.