Germany Scholz increases German arms aid

Germany – Scholz increases German arms aid

The German government wants to react to the war in Ukraine by increasing arms aid to two billion euros for partner countries. The funds are expected to primarily benefit Ukraine, as announced late on Friday. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has requested the amount from the start, which is expected to be made available via the supplementary budget, Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) said on Twitter late on Friday.

According to a government spokeswoman, the departments involved agreed in principle two weeks ago to substantially increase funds for the so-called modernization initiative. Last week, the sum was set at a total of two billion euros. The German government launched the modernization initiative in 2016 to support partner countries in crisis regions in ensuring security.

Shortly after the start of the war, the government in Berlin decided to support Ukraine with arms deliveries. So far, among other things, bazookas, anti-aircraft missiles, machine guns, but also vehicles, night vision devices and protective equipment have been delivered. In view of the expected large-scale offensive in the east of the country, Ukraine is also demanding that the German government hand over heavy weapons.

However, the government has not yet made a decision on this. The formation of the two billion pot doesn’t say anything about that either. Greens and FDP are in favor of supplying heavy weapons, the SPD is divided. Scholz hasn’t decided yet. He emphasizes that the decision will be made in consultation with the alliance partners.

Meanwhile, criticism of Scholz’s course and demands for concrete commitments to arms deliveries have not come to an end. The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst (CDU), told the Germany editorial network (Saturday) that Germany has never been so isolated and apathetic in an international crisis. “The SPD as part of the traffic light that is close to Russia and the chancellor who went into hiding are isolating us in Europe and the world.”

Ukraine must not be left in the lurch, this also applies to military support. “A stronger defense of Ukraine against Russian aggression also strengthens Germany’s security and prevents further escalation between Russia and NATO. This is how we guarantee peace.”

CDU/CSU parliamentary group deputy leader Johann Wadephul told the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Saturday) that Scholz must finally show leadership and ensure that Ukraine gets the weapons it urgently needs. The FDP and the Greens would be ready to hand over heavy weapons, Wadephul emphasized and added: “If Scholz does not move, he should wait for a request to that effect from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group.”

European People’s Party (EPP) group leader in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, sees Germany’s international reputation in jeopardy because of the ongoing debate over arms deliveries. “The federal government is losing reputation in Europe and internationally, with long-term damage to our country,” the CSU politician told “Passauer Neue Presse” (Saturday). The EU is waiting for Scholz to make decisions. “The federal government doesn’t need to convince anyone in the EU, it must finally lead.” However, the coalition in Berlin is “the brake man”. Weber called for Ukraine to receive the weapons it needs.

The deputy leader of the FDP parliamentary group, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, told “Bild” (Saturday) that it is not decisive whether Ukraine received German or non-German weapons. “What matters is that they have heavy weapons that they can use to defend their territory.” Meanwhile, Germany must protect NATO’s eastern flank and strengthen troops in the Baltic States.

Scholz’s support comes from longtime SPD deputy Ralf Stegner. The “Bild” (Saturday) Stegner said: “I am glad that in Olaf Scholz we have a chancellor who – when it comes to war and peace – acts prudently and together with our allies, accepts his responsibility and does not worry about animated interviews or orders.” (apa)