1699849366 Germanys discordant voice on Gaza ceasefire

Germany’s discordant voice on Gaza ceasefire

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz waits for the arrival of the Norwegian Crown Prince and Princess at the Chancellery in Berlin on November 9, 2023.  (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP) ODD ANDERSEN / AFP Chancellor Olaf Scholz waits for the arrival of the Norwegian Crown Prince and Princess at the Chancellery in Berlin on November 9, 2023. (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP)


Olaf Scholz, here in Berlin, Germany, November 9, 2023.

GERMANY – The German Chancellor takes the opposite opinion compared to many countries. Olaf Scholz said this Sunday, November 12th, that he was against an “immediate” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

“I openly admit that I do not think calls for an immediate ceasefire or a long pause – which would amount to almost the same thing – are fair, because that would ultimately mean that Israel leaves Hamas the opportunity to recover and acquire new rockets “,” he said during a debate organized by the German regional newspaper Heilbronner Stimme. On the other hand, he called for “humanitarian breaks”.

Israel downgrades death toll in October 7 Hamas attack

Even five weeks after the start of the war, calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which was bombed by Israel, are increasing, especially from Arab countries and the Turkish President, whom Olaf Scholz will receive as a guest in Berlin next week.

The Chancellor stands out from Emmanuel Macron

Recep Tayyip Erdogan therefore judged this Sunday to be “important for us to achieve a ceasefire” and called on “the West” to put pressure on Israel in this direction.

Olaf Scholz also stands out from Emmanuel Macron, who on Friday called on Israel to stop its bombing to spare civilians in Gaza and who wants to “work towards” a ceasefire to “protect all civilians who have nothing to do with terrorists have”.

Israel downgrades death toll in October 7 Hamas attack

The Hamas Ministry of Health said that at least 11,078 people, mostly civilians, including 4,506 children, have been killed in Israeli bombings since the start of the war, which was sparked by the bloody Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, in which 1,200 people died those killed in the Gaza Strip were dead, the majority civilians.

See also on HuffPost:

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