1699751178 Gerry Scotti cries at Tu Si que vales I cant

Gerry Scotti cries at Tu Sì que vales: I can’t say why I’m crying

In the episode of “Tu Sì que vales” that aired on Saturday, November 11, Gerry Scotti burst into tears after seeing a competitor get emotional.

Gerry Scotti cries at Tu Si que vales I cant

During the episode of You’re worth it Broadcast on Saturday November 11th, with the participant also in front of the jury Pietro Failla. The man introduced himself as a “waiter and dancer.” He tried to surprise Gerry Scotti, Maria De Filippi, Luciana Littizzetto and Rudy Zerbi dance while setting the table. Gerry Scotti was moved by his emotions.

Pietro Failla, the waiter and dancer who moved Gerry Scotti

Pietro Failla, entering the studio, said to himself: “I am a waiter and a dancer, I am married. I have two children, a 27 year old boy. And a 24 year old girl. My wife supports “Me”. Then, in tune with the success of The Kolors Italodisco and with two plates in his hand, he started dancing and setting the table. Gerry Scotti was enthusiastic and encouraged him. After the performance, he wanted him immediately have in his stable:

Even the most beautiful and valuable diamond in the world was raw when it was pulled from the earth. There are talents that catch the eye and others that need to be understood, and I know that these people have understood. Ladies, the talent is there!

Emotions in the studio of Tu Sì que vales

Competitor Pietro Failla burst into tears when he realized he had officially joined Gerry Scotti’s team. Maria De Filippi pointed this out to the judge: “I just interrupt you to tell you that your talent was touched. He started crying after your hug.” Scotti became emotional and cried too, in front of Luciana Littizzetto, who repeated in disbelief: “Are you just pretending?” Sabrina Ferilli sums it up: “But everything got out of hand here, damned. But why were you so touched?” However, the host preferred not to answer: “I can’t tell you.” To cheer him up, Maria De Filippi played the song Italodisco again.

Silvia Toffanin: “Giulia Stabile host of Tu Sì que vales”, the promotion is official