GF Vip Sara Manfuso and Giovanni Ciacci the shocking video

GF Vip, Sara Manfuso and Giovanni Ciacci: the shocking video / "We simulate sexual violence"

GF Vip: Sara Manfuso and Giovanni Ciacci filmed in a grisly curtain, the web is outraged …

Sunday, in the house of Big Brother VIP 2022a creepy little curtain was lifted, which the audience didn’t like very much and which involves two tenants of the house: It is Sara Manfuso and Giovanni Ciacci. In their own way, both Vipponi seem to have been received with little sympathy by the public. Manfuso was soon defined as one of the “harpies” of the GF house because of her constant gossip and meddling in matters that do not concern her in the first person. It is no coincidence that his attitude was soon criticized by Sonja Bruganelli who denounced her as her non-favorite of the house: “I don’t understand how she wants to put herself in situations. He seems to be political, he always has to state his point of view. That doesn’t convince me!” said the columnist.

But the second tenant involved, Giovanni Ciacci, is also attacked by viewers on several fronts. While his courage in disclosing his HIV status with his touching story was appreciated, the same was not the case for his take on the comforts of Marco Bellavia. In fact, Ciacci is even accused by the web of being one of the house’s biggest “bullyers” for his rhetoric towards the former conductor of Bim-Bum-Bam. So on Sunday he and Manfuso shared some shocking jokes that caused a stir and outrage on the internet…

GF Vip, Sara Manfuso and Giovanni Ciacci charged for the shock curtain: “Let’s engage in sexual violence…”

They were in the kitchen Giovanni Ciacci and Sara Manfuso when he accidentally walks close to the woman and touches her bottom, here is the beginning of the sad curtain… “I didn’t mean to touch your ass”, says Ciacci. Manfuso’s answer: “Now see tomorrow I’ll scream – He touched my ass -” he says ironically, touching his hair several times and simulating a desperately screaming woman. Here then follows the shock sentence: “Are we engaging in sexual violence?”asks Ciacci. “Yes, let’s simulate”replies Manfuso.

Clearly, the network was outraged by this curtain, which it felt was nothing short of tacky. The comments on social media seem to be calling for the same thing: serious action against the two Vippons and their disqualification Big Brother Vip; “BUTATTELI OUT” is the comment that is most popular. This time the public is demanding serious action, both for this show and for the bullying against Marco Bellavia. The classic lecture atAlfonso Signorini I don’t think it will ease the minds of the millions of viewers screaming for justice.
Here is the shock video: